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by David Courtney working tools

gopichand (ektar)

The gopichand, also, known as gopiyantra, ektora, or ektara, is a very pop­ular folk instrument of Bengal.  It is an instrument that is much used by the wandering minstrels known as the Baul.

There are seve­ral variations on the construction.  The length may be as small as one foot or as long as three feet, how­ever 2-3 feet is the norm.  It consists of a length of bamboo that is split through most of the length.  The two ends are pried apart and at­ta­ched to a resonator.  This resonator may be a coconut, gourd, metal container or a hollowed out cylindrical sec­tion of wood.  The open end of the resonator is covered with taught skin and a string penetrates the cen­tre.  This string is at­ta­ched to a re­in­for­ced sec­tion in the cen­tre.  This string then passes through the hollow of the resonator and attaches to a tuning peg located in the bamboo.

The sound of the gopichand is most distinctive.  There is a peculiar bending of the pitch as the two legs of the bamboo are squeezed together by the left hand while the right hand plucks the string.  This is a rhyt­hmic instrument rather than a melodic instrument and it is used to accompany in­stru­ments such as kartal, dotora, or khol.

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