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Glossary Y

Indian Musical Terms

by David Courtney working tools

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Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary.

yaal – See “yazh”.
yaksha gana – A folk theatre from the south In­dian state of Karnatika.
yaman – A rag, usually equated with Kalyan. (more info.)
yaman kalyan – A common rag in kalyan that. (more info.)
yaman kalyan ke filmi git – Film songs in rag Yaman Kalyan. (more info.)
yaman ke filmi git – Film songs in Yaman. (more Info.)
yamani bilawal – A rare rag.
yati – (Archaic) An obsolete system of patterns of manipulation of lay. See also “srotagata yati”, “mridanga yati”, “pipilika yati”, “sama yati”, “gopuchcha yati”, “damaru yati”, or “visham yati”. (more info.)
yati tal – An obsolete tal of six beats.
yatishekhar tal – An obscure tal of 15 beats.
yazh – A south India harp. (more info.)

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