Teachers & Performers of Indian Music & Dance
A superficial exposure to music is acceptable to most people; but there is an elite for whom this is not enough. If you have attained certain social and intellectual level, Elementary North Indian Vocal (Vol 1-2) may be for you.![]() This has compositions, theory, history, and other topics. All exercises and compositions have audio material which may be streamed over the internet for free. It is available in a variety of formats to accommodate every budget. Are you really ready to step up to the next level? Check your local Amazon. |
Name: Chaitanya G.A.
E-Mail: ga.chaithanya@gmail.com
Field: Bharathanatyam
Location: Swindon Town Centre
Telephone: 07438236386
Misc. Info: I have performed at national levels and I am also an accomplished Indian Government television dancer. I have been awarded multiple scholarships and honors by the government. I have also been a dance teacher teaching at my personal training institute and other institutes.
Name: K. Sridhar
E-Mail: srisarod@gmail.com
Field: Sarod
Location: Stroud, GLOS
Telephone: 01453751370
Misc. Info: I have toured internationally as a featured artist and presently divide my time between the USA and UK. Originally taught by Z.M. Dagar, Ravi Shankar, and Ali Akbar Khan, I teach in the traditional style of a mentorship so that the art of improvisation can flower after technique and raga structure are mastered. Only serious students of sarod, sitar, or surbahar will be considered. (www.sridhar.org)..
Name: Sitara Koushik
E-Mail: sitarabidrakote@gmail.com
Field: Bharathnatyam
Location: City Center, Bristol
Telephone: 0782555476
Misc. Info: I am a professional artist who trained in Tanjore Quartet style in India. Keen on taking private and group lessons to interested students. The classes aim to teach Bharata Natyam technique and performance skills according to ISTD syllabus for beginner level to Advance Level. Build confidence and nurture creativity in learning different body postures through warm and cool down body techniques. Group Lessons – £7/Hour Private Lessons: £15/Hour ..
Name: Kunapuli Vasantha Lakshmi
E-Mail: kunapulivasanthalakshmi@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic Vocal, Veena, Violin
Location: 124, Chadacre Road, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 2HF, United Kingdom.
Telephone: 07508254261
Misc. Info: 30 years experience in Carnatic music and Indian classical music, veena and violin.
Name: K. Sridhar
E-Mail: Enquiries@Sridhar.org
Field: Sarod
Location: Chapel Hill, NC and Stroud, GLOS
Misc. Info: Internationally acclaimed sarod maestro and master of Nada Yoga (“union through sound”). His teachers include Z.M. Dagar, Ravi Shankar, and Ali Akbar Khan. K. Sridhar also offers workshops in raga based music for Western instruments, the art of improvisation, and incorporating yoga techniques into a personal practice. When teaching sarod, sitar, surbahar or dhrupad vocal technique; he uses the methodology learned from his traditional training, ie. a form of one-to-one mentorship. (www.sridhar.org)
This is the first volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Fundamentals of Tabla![]() It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing. |
Name: Gayatri Lele
E-Mail: info.classicalmusic@gmail.com
Field: Indian Classical Music (Hindustani Classical Singing), Harmonium / Keyboard
Location: Bradley Stoke, Bristol, UK.
Telephone: 07710810367
Misc. Info: I conduct Indian classical singing and harmonium / keyboard lessons. I have learnt Hindustani classical music in India and passed exams of the institution, ‘Akhil Bharatiya Gandharv Mahavidyalay’. I have been teaching since 9 years. I have done performances in and around Bristol. I have been interviewed by BBC Radio Bristol and Star FM channel. I conduct Indian classical singing one-to-one online learning sessions on Skype. Website – http://www.saregamapa.co.uk
Name: Dr. Vasumathi Prasad
E-Mail: vasumathiprasad@hotmail.com
Field: Bharatanatyam
Location: 226 New Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS34 8TQ
Telephone: 0117 947 0710 Mobile 07582868171
Misc. Info: Accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer, teacher and choreographer. I am a disciple of Bharatanatyam legend Padmashri Chitra Visweswaran. I conduct lessons in Stoke Gifford Bristol. We perform regularly at council and community events in and around Bristol and Birmingham, including at Balaji temple..
Name: Durga Ramakrishnan
E-Mail: durgacmusic@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic music – Vocal and Veena
Location: Whitchurch, Bristol, UK
Telephone: 07990547172
Misc. Info: I sing Carnatic music, light classical, devotional, folk, bhajans and play the veena. I have been teaching and performing for the last 35 years. My grandmother Smt. Kalpakam Santhanam was my first guru. I graduated in Indian Music from Madras University and underwent Music Teachers’ Training at the Chennai Music Academy. I give concerts, conduct cross cultural workshops collaborating with different organisations in Bristol. I have performed at prestigious venues such as Bristol City Council Hall, St George’s Bristol, Colston Hall Foyre, Royal Theatre, Bath and at Birmingham Balaji Temple. I offer individual and group lessons. Online lessons available through Skype on request. website – www.ragavidhya.com.
Name: Ricky Romain
E-Mail: rickyheatherduende@tiscali.co.uk
Field: Sitar
Location: Archway Cottage. Market square. Axminster. Devon. EX13 5NJ
Telephone: 07905714783
Misc. Info: For more information please visit www.indian-music.org & www.rickyromain.com
Name: Jon Sterckx
E-Mail: jon@jonsterckx.co.uk
Field: Tabla, percussion, live multipercussion sampling
Location: Stroud UK
Telephone: (0044) 07913 665595
Misc. Info: I teach and perform tabla & various percussion instruments. More information & recordings / video clips can be found on my websites – http://www.jonsterckx.co.uk & http://www.drumscapes.net ..
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