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Modify Listing

To Teachers and Performers Database

All modifications have to be done manually by me. If you wish to change, delete, or add infor­mation, you will need to send it to me. But remember, there are thousands of artists scattered over several hundred pages. I must be able to find your listing before I can affect any changes.

Therefore please send me an email with the following infor­mation:

  1. Paste a copy of your current listing.
  2. Paste a copy of the listing as you would like it to be (i.e., add all the corrections)

In the case of a deletion, kindly let me know if it is your own listing. If it is not your own listing, then a few words would be apprec­iated as to what the situation is. (e.g., the artist is dead, the con­tact infor­mation is incorrect, etc.)

I will generally get the corrections made within a day or so.

E-mail the corrections to me (David Courtney), at