Teachers & Performers of Indian Music & Dance
This is the first volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Fundamentals of Tabla![]() It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing. |
Name: Anubhab-Academy
E-Mail: info@anubhab.net
Field: TTabla, Indian Vocal, Sitar, Bansuri
Location: Cologne (Köln), NRW, Germany
Telephone: 0160 91368028
Misc. Info: www.anubhab.net – Indian Music school, led by Debasish Bhattacharjee (Tabla) – Classical and light music – Workshops – Concerts – Booking – Indian Instrument Shop..
Name: Madhusree Banerjee
Email: madhusreedey01@gmail.com
Field: Hindustani Classical Vocals
Location: Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Telephone: (Mobile and WhatsApp) +49 15212040055
Misc. Info: I am experienced teacher and performer of Hindustani Classical Music from Kirana Gharana. I love to transmit my passion for the mesmerizing world of Ragas to interested people of all ages. I offer individual as well as group classes (upto 4 members) in both online and offline modes. Annual exams are conducted and successful students receive a certificate. I have an online institute named Anusheelan Academy, for details please visit our webpage at http://anusheelanacademy.com and our Youtube Channel at https://youtu.be/HppX2nSkx1U
Name: Bettina Breese
E-Mail: info@indischer-tanz.com
Field: Bharat Natyam and Kuchapudi
Location: Berlin
Telephone: 030-705 44 02
Misc. Info: http://www.indischer-tanz.com/
A superficial exposure to music is acceptable to most people; but there is an elite for whom this is not enough. If you have attained certain social and intellectual level, Elementary North Indian Vocal (Vol 1-2) may be for you.![]() This has compositions, theory, history, and other topics. All exercises and compositions have audio material which may be streamed over the internet for free. It is available in a variety of formats to accommodate every budget. Are you really ready to step up to the next level? Check your local Amazon. |
Name: Divya Chandrika
E-Mail: divyachandrika2011@googlemail.com
Field: Bharatnatyam
Location: Wiesloch, Germany-69168
Misc. Info: Having learnt the art form since the age of five from Guru K.V. Kalavathy of Kalakshetra, Divya has been a regular performer in major sabhas in India and also choreographed shows for performances in senior homes, prisons and remote villages.She was a merit scholarship holder (CCRT) from the Indian Government. She has choreographed thematic performances on social issues. She also writes poems and short stories. She has been residing in Germany since the past one year and has performed in varied multi-cultural fests.She is now a dance instructor and choreographer in a dance school in Wiesloch where she will be conducting Bharatanatyam classes and also a separate class for Bollywood dance. Her motto-Dance is a Prayer, it is pure Joy! For more about Divya, please visit – http://divyachandrika.weebly.com/
Name: Sandra Chatterjee
E-Mail: babli@sandrachatterjee.net
Field: contemporary Indian dance, classical Indian dance Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi
Location: Munich, Germany
Misc. Info: www.sandrachatterjee.net
Name: Hindol Deb
E-Mail: contactme@hindoldeb.com
Field: Sitar
Location: Köln, Ehrenfeld, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 1575 1758970
Misc. Info: Website- http://www.hindoldeb.com, Youtube link- https://youtu.be/994FXWmFths, Deeply rooted in Indian classical music, Sitarist and Composer Hindol explores the infinite combinations of Indian music with various genres. With a high technical finesse and Knowledge of different Ragas and rhythms he weaves beautiful melodic Web creating a meditative yet ecstatic atmosphere. His search for new sounds and styles of composition brought him to Germany to finish his master’s in jazz improvisation at the Cologne University of Music and Dance. Hindol has collaborated with Marina Abramovic, Sebastian Gramss, Marcus Stockhausen, Matthias and Nina Perez among others. Presently Hindol teaches at Popakademie in Mannheim and gives lessons in private..
Name: Shan Devakuruparan
E-Mail: devan.shan@gmx.de
Field: Tabla, Mirudangam, Gadam, Genjira, Morsing and other percussion instruments
Location: Krefeld, Germany
Telephone: mobile number – (0049) 1778379403, landline number – (0049) 2151 936335
Misc. Info: The Tamil musician living in Germany for 25 years, is originally from Sri Lanka. He plays many percussion instruments but mainly he plays the tabla in various European and Tamil-Indian ensembles. In addition he accompanies Indian dances (for example: Bharatanatyam,etc.) with tabla and other instruments. The tabla player, who comes from a musical family, also gives private lessons and offers courses in schools. Shan has many concerts in many world musical bands with different musicians worldwide. Moreover, he released CDs and he had Radio and TV appearances.
Name: Priyadharshini Dwarak
Email: priyadharshini.saptharishi@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic music (vocal), Bharatnatyam, Bollywood dance, Bollywood and Tamil light music
Address An der Schanz 2,50735, Köln, NRW, Germany.
Telephone: +4917675652828
Misc. Info: I am professionally trained in Carnatic music, Bharatnatyam, instruments (keyboard and violin) for about 9 years. Have experience in teaching Carnatic music, Bharatnatyam & Bollywood dance in India and Norway for students of all ages. Also have rendered workshops in different events/ forums. I have given several Bollywood dance, light music (Hindi & Tamil) performances in India and different parts of Europe. I am currently available for giving performances in different events or conducting workshops within Europe. I am also willing to start music and dance classes in Cologne and also available for Skype classes.
This is the second volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Advanced Theory of Tabla![]() It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing. |
Name: E R Janardhan
E-Mail: saxjana@googlemail.com
Field: Saxophone – Carnatic music
Location: Wuppertal, Germany,
Telephone: 015166110205
Misc. Info: Popular student of saxophone maestro sri Kadri Gopalnath ..
Name: Helene Eriksen
E-Mail: mail@helene-eriksen.de
Field: Kathak, Folk Dances & dance research
Location: Burgstr. 19, D-37073 Goettingen/ Germany,
Telephone: 49-551-42063
Misc. Info: Helene Eriksen studied dance ethnology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and was later a doctoral candidate in folklore, slavistics and turcology at the Georg-August University in Goettingen, Germany. In Los Angeles she performed with AVAZ International Dance Theater, Gypsy Dance Company and Jasna Planina Ensemble. After a year at the Folkdance Academy in Plovdiv, Bulgaria she was a guest of the Turkish State Folkdance Ensemble in Ankara. She directed her own ensemble Raqs-e Hilal for several years in Germany. Helene is a teacher and choreographer of traditional dances of the Balkans and Islamic Orient. She lectures and publishes on dance ethnology and costume studies. In order to do this she has conducted many research projects in Bulgaria, ex-Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, the ex-USSR, Tunisia and Morocco as well as with immigrants in Germany, Canada and the USA. – URL: http://www.helene-eriksen.de
Name: Beate Gatscha
E-Mail: bgatscha@yahoo.de
Field: Pakhawaj, Dhrupad vocals, Kathak
Location: D-12557 Berlin/ Germany
Telephone: +49-173-8446772
Misc. Info: I am a freelance artist based in Berlin. For 18 years I have trained classical Indian Kathak dance under guidance of Ioanna Srinivasan and Pt. Vijai Shankar. In 2012 my focus shifted to the classical style of Dhrupad. For several years I received lessons in Dhrupad vocals and Pakhawaj from Amelia Cuni. Since 2020 I continue my training with Pandit Radheshyam Sharma (Pakhawaj) and Sumeet Anand Pandey (Dhrupad vocals). I also play other percussion instruments like Hang, Cajon, Glass-Marimba, Balinese Gender and Japanese Taiko. www.beate-gatscha.de ..
Name: Divya Guruswamy
E-Mail: divyavguru@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic Music
Location: Bremen, Germany
Misc. Info: I am an Indian from Tamil Nadu and I have learnt Carnatic classical music(Vocal) for 15 years and have done various stage performances and have been a regular performing artist at All India Radio, Tiruchirapalli, India. I have received the “Growing Young Talent Award” for my contribution towards music.
Name: Deepa Hegde
E-Mail: margambydeepa@gmail.com
Field: Bharatanatyam
Location: (Obersendling, Rosenheimer Platz) Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 17655481095
Misc. Info: www.deepahegde.com. Bharatanatyam Artiste Deepa Hegde is a performer, choreographer and teacher based in Munich. She is an interdisciplinary artist working with other artists from different backgrounds and disciplines. She is the Artistic Director of Mārgam school of dance..
Name: Himalayan Star Train
E-Mail: dennis@dennehy.com
Field: Indian Guitar & Indian Classical Dance
Location: Nürnberg, Germany
Telephone: +49 178 333 66 47
Misc. Info: Unique Indian dance choreography with unique raga styled guitar music. Himalayan Star Train – Facebook – /indian.classic.dance, Peace Project:…………… www.machtfrieden.de ..
Name: Thomas Hupp
E-Mail: thomas@thomashupp.de
Field: Tabla
Location: Seeweg, Hoechberg bei Wuerzburg, Bavaria, 97204, Germany
Telephone: 0931-400883, 0170-3228032
Misc. Info: http://www.thomashupp.de Percussion Creativ – Mitglied seit 1989, ehemaliger Fachbeirat und Dozent bei den Teacher-Tagen. Studium für Schlagzeug an der HfM Würzburg, anschließend Tabla-Studium bei verschiedenen Meistern in Mumbai. 1991 Veröffentlichung des Buches East-West in Rhythm mit einem Vorwort von Zakir Hussain. Stipendium zwecks Austauschs indischer und westlicher Percussion, mehrere Cross-Over Projekte mit indischen Musikern. Mitglied in verschiedenen Band-Projekten, Lehraufträge an HfMs Würzburg und Mainz, Gastdozentur in Mumbai, Teilnahme am Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival für einen Auftritt mit Giora Feidman, Dozent bei verschiedenen Percussion-Symposien, Lehrer an der Musikschule Würzburg.
This is the third volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Manufacture and Repair of Tabla![]() |
Name: Indian Music Academy
E-Mail: imacarnatic@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic Vocal Music, Devotional Songs
Location: Frankfurt a.M. West, Germany
Misc. Info: Run by Sudha Kommuri, who has obtained Bachelors and Masters Degree (Gold Medalist) in South Indian vocal music. She received tutelage from Smt. Radha Viswanathan (Daughter of Smt. M.S. Subbulakshmi). Ms. Kommuri also holds the State Level Lecturership Certificate and has been running the music school “Indian Music Academy” in Frankfurt a.M successfully since 2011. The academy trains children and adults in Carnatic classical vocal genre and has been successfully taking part in different events and performances in Germany. Carnatic vocal classes are being conducted on a weekly basis..
Name: Kalamitra – Zentrum fuer klassischen indischen Tanz
E-Mail: tanz@kalamitra.de
Field: Bharat Natyam – classical indian dance – klassischer indischer Tanz
Location: Hamburg (Germany)
Telephone: 040/74570347 (Katja-Shivani) und 04181/4605 (Anna Grover)
Misc. Info: Kalamitra is a centre for classical Indian dance in Hamburg. It’s teachers hold a professional diploma as teachers of dance and are highly skilled dancers in the field of Bharata Natyam with more than 20 years experience in teaching and performing. Classes for all levels with additional courses for theoretical and cultural background knowledge. Workshops and summer training camps with renowned teachers from India are offered regularly. For more information please visit www.kalamitra.de
Name: Madhura Karambelkar
E-Mail: madhuramk@yahoo.com
Field: Sitar
Location: Raintaler Strasse 24, 81539 Munich
Misc. Info: Madhura has had the privilege of performing at several concerts in and out of India and is a respected sitar player in her own right. With a Master’s in Music with distinction and being a yoga teacher, she brings additional value to the art of teaching music to aspiring students. She has recently relocated to Munich and will be happy to help propagate Indian classical music culture by teaching/ performing where the right opportunity presents itself. Fees/ class timing and other details can be provided by email communication.
Name: Turab Ali Khan
Email: turabali.sitar@gmail.com
Field: Sitar player and singing
Location: Idar-Oberstein Germany
Telephone: 017614679730
Misc. Info: Turab Ali Khan descends from three generations of sitar player. He is one of the leading exponents of the Dehli Gharana (dilli gharana) of tabla, a musical tradition or “family” committed to this most famous of Indian instruments. He is trained by his Grand Father , Late Ustad Imdad Hussain Khan and Maternal uncle Ustad Ikhlaq Hussain Khan.While his lineage is known for their proliferative work in the field of tabla and rhythmic expression/composition. He performed in all prestigious platform in the world. Turab plays in the Gayaki Ang (or vocal manner of playing). Turab has received Global music award, California music award, Husn e Kamal award and also nominated in Grammy award and etc…
Name: Sudarsana Kumar
E-Mail: skumarberlin@yahoo.com
Field: Bharatanatyam, Kuchupudi & Bollywood
Telephone: 0049/ 0175 817 85 86
Misc. Info: www.natyadarshan.de
Name: Lakshmi
E-Mail: lakshmi.hbs3@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic classical music (Vocal)
Location: Ottobrunn, Munich, Germany
Telephone: +4915145187608
Misc. Info: I am a professional Carnatic classical music singer. I have a senior degree in Carnatic classical Vocal and I am qualified for Vidhwat as well. I conduct classical music classes (detailed lessons from basics or devotional songs or light music or shlokas for those with musical knowledge). I also conduct group classes for adults as well as children. I also take classes online. For further details you can contact me via e-mail or phone no..
Name: Babua Pahari
E-Mail: babuapahari@yahoo.com
Field: Bansuri and Tabla
Location: Berlin, Germany
Telephone: 01776474512
Misc. Info: www.anandadhara.de. Babua Pahari was born in Kolkata into a family with a strong musical heritage. His father (late Indubhusan Pahari) was a respected tabla guru and taught his son the art of classical Indian percussion. At the age of fifteen Babua Pahari widened his knowledge and learned to play bansuri (Indian bamboo flute) from late Sri Parth Bhattacharyay and Sri Jayanta Chatterjee.
Name: Deepika Potdar Panchamukhi
E-Mail: deepika.panchamukhi@gmail.com
Field: Bharatanatyam
Location: Taufkirchen (near Munich) , Germany
Misc. Info: www.deepikapanchamukhi.com I am a trained Bharatanatyam dancer from Mumbai and previously a core dancer at the Sankhya Dance Company, founded by Shri Vaibhav Arekar, an internationally acclaimed artist in Mumbai. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts from Nalanda Nrityakala Mahavidyalaya, founded by Padma Bhushan Dr Kanak Rele. It would give me immense pleasure to present the tradition that Bharatanatyam promotes at prestigious platforms that Germany has to offer. I am also keen to conduct workshops/ lecture demonstrations/ teach the art form to share and enlighten the audience with the ideologies in Indian classical dance..
Name: Rita Panesar
E-Mail: panesar@gmx.de
Field: Kathak
Location: Waterloostr. 22, D-22769 Hamburg/ Germany
Telephone: 49-40-495 585, Fax: 49-40-432 80 770
Misc. Info: URL: www.wrage.de/kgs/03-00kb_earthmusic.htm, Earth Music & Kathak Tanz. Der Fluss subtiler Energie und deren Manifestation in einem rhythmischen Zyklus wird die Besucher am dritten Freitag im Monat in der Christuskirche bezaubern. Bhramari Kathak ist ein meditativer Tanz, der sich durch Rhythmik, Bewegung und Mimik ausdrückt. Rita Panesar – ihr Vater ist Inder, die Mutter Deutsche – sagt: “Kathak zentriert, statt zu verausgaben”. An den mittelalterlichen Hafen der Maharadschas haben die Meister des Kathak die ganze Nacht durchgetanzt. Der Abend in Hamburg beginnt mit Tanz und wird weitergeführt, von einem der besten, auch in Indien anerkannten Tablamusiker Deutschlands.
Name: Plato Pathrose
Field: Carnatic Classical Flute
E-Mail: tvmguy09@gmail.com
Location: Maximilian Strasse, 2 Aschaffenburg, Germany 63739
Telephone: 0049-15166326987
Misc. Info: Flute artist of around 14 years experience. Disciple of Late Padmashree Dr. N. Ramani. Performed concerts in different places of India and in Europe. Please contact over e-mail for further information.
Name: Anuradha Prakash Patil
E-Mail: anu64100@gmail.com
Field: Kathak Dance
Location: Darmstadt (Farnkfurt) Germany
Telephone: 00491626372857
Misc. Info: I am a resident of Darmstadt. I have been trained with Kathak Nruthya Visharad from Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Mahavidhyalay, Mumbai. I am performer, choreographer. With Kathak have a descent experience in Maharashtrian folk dance (Lavani, Koli, Jagar and Vaghyamurali) and other Indian folk dances. With all the knowledge and experiences that I have gained, I would like to disseminate my skills by forming a dance group and giving training to interested people. Please feel free to contact me by email.
Name: Deodatt Persaud
E-Mail: deodatt_kathak@yahoo.com
Field: Kathak Performer and Teacher
Location: Göttingen, Frankfurt, Nürnberg, München, Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: 0049-015227929814
Misc. Info: Trained in the Jaipur Gharana style of Kathak and a disciple of Guru Pt. Rajendra Gangani ji, Deodatt Persaud is an established kathak artist well settled across Germany teaching, performing and promoting Kathak in several cities across the country. Currently his classes are being conducted in Göttingen, Nürnberg, Frankfurt, München and Hamburg and even reaching as far as Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. He has established ‘SAMVEDAN’ The Deodatt Persaud Kathak Studios a multi location dance studio connecting and inspiring those interested in learning the art of Kathak. More information under- http://www.deodattkathak.com, Samvedan- The Deodatt Persaud Kathak Studios, Europe. | Facebook – Deodatt Persaud (@deodatt_persaud) • Instagram photos and videos ..
Name: Prana Punniyamoorthy
E-Mail: pira18@hotmail.de
Field: Bharathnatyam, Kuchipudi, Carnatic
Location: Cologne, Germany
Telephone: 017684438345
Misc. Info: Diplom in Bharathanatyam with specific teacher training.
This is the fourth volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Focus on the Kaidas of Tabla![]() It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing. |
Name: Harsha Raghuram
E-Mail: harsharbharadwaj@gmail.com
Field: Carnatic vocal (South Indian classical music), light music and devaranamas.
Location: Pirmasens / Kaiserslautern (Rheinland-Pflaz, Germany)
Misc. Info: Harsha Raghuram is a trained and a performing artist of the Carnatic classical music. Presently a student of the popular music maestro Tirumale Srinivas (Bangalore, India), he has performed on various prestigious platforms in India.
Name: Rajyashree Ramesh
E-Mail: info@rr-dance.net
Field: Bharat Natyam
Location: Berlin
Telephone: Tel: 030-812 24 08, Mobil: 0179-398 54 49
Misc. Info: Critically acclaimed dancer, choreographer, master teacher and Certified Movement Analyst (CLMA) trained in Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and classical Carnatic vocal. Groomed for stage since early childhood and acclaimed by press and public for grace, precision and expression, Rajyashree has in her dance career spanning over four decades presented several solo performances, workshops, radio/ TV and newspaper interviews worldwide. Her style of performing and teaching has been nurtured by several master teachers in Bangalore and Chennai, influenced by a 30-year practice of yoga and studies in the West (USA, Germany). Contact: http://www.rr-dance.net/
Name: Liga Saukante
E-Mail: liga.saukante@gmail.com
Field: Bharat Natyam, Yoga dance, Oriental dance, Improvisation
Location: Freiburg, Germany
Misc. Info: www.liga.id.lv
Name: Gaura Shakti
E-Mail: gaura@musik-sitar.de
Field: Sitar
Location: Neue Hochstr. 51 13347 Berlin
Telephone: 0049 17699137668
Misc. Info: Gaura Shakti hat während seiner Aufenthalte und des Studiums in Indien die Lebensweise und Kultur verinnerlicht. Auch während der sieben Jahre, die er im Hindu-Tempel lebte und arbeitete hat er dieses tiefe Wissen er in seiner Musik vereint. Das Sitarspielen auf Konzertniveau erlernte er bei dem bekannten indischen Sitarmeister Subroto Roychowdhury. http://www.musik-sitar.de/sitar-musikunterricht/
Name: Kala Sharma
E-Mail: kala164@hotmail.com
Field: Kathak dancer
Location: Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 15143392399
Misc. Info: I am a disciple of Pandit Birju Maharaj and have been dancing Kathak for 16 years. I’ve also graduated with a BPA (hons) degree in Contemporary Dance, at Northern School of Contemporary dance, Leeds, UK. I am available for performances, and teaching groups or individual classes.
Name: Katja-Shivani
E-Mail: shivani@bharatanatyam.de
Field: Bharat Natyam – classical indian dance – klassischer indischer Tanz
Location: Hamburg – Buxtehude – Jork (Germany)
Telephone: 040/74570347
Misc. Info: Katja-Shivani tanzt seit ueber 15 Jahren Bharata Natyam und wurde von bekannten Lehrerinnen wie Radha Sarma und Sita Sophia im Kalakshetra-Style ausgebildet. Weiteres auch unter – www.bharatanatyam.de
Name: Mahima Soni
E-Mail: Maahi17mahima@gmail.com
Field: Kathak and Light music singer (ghazals, fusions)
Location: Kleiststrase – 12, Heilbronn- 74076
Telephone: 0151-75373796
Misc. Info: 6 years degree course from Allahabad University India, Visharad Pratham (vocal) from Gandharav University India. Performed at various state levels in India and Japan. Performed in TV channels (Indian). Received recognition from various deemed cultural organisations. Appeared as Judge in various dance competition
Name: Ioanna Srinivasan
E-Mail: mail@kathakdance.de
Field: Kathak
Location: Berlin : Germany
Telephone: 0049 – 30 – 6861327
Misc. Info: www.kathakdance.de – Ioanna Srinivasan began her Kathak dance training as a child. She studied under the tutelage of the renowned master in Kathak, Pandit Vijai Shankar, with whom she also performed. She graduated with a Kathak-Diploma (Chandighar) with distinction. Ioanna Srinivasan has been performing since 1982, as a soloist in classical Kathak dance as well as avantgarde and fusion-projects with flamenco, modern Dance and Oriental Dance and choreographed dance theatre. She has toured Europe as well as India, Malaysia and the GUS States and performed at various prestigious festivals like the Binda Din Kathak Festival in New Delhi. She has also performed for radio and television programmes.
Professionelle Kathak-Tänzerin/ Choreographin, Meisterschülerin Pandit Vijai Shankars, staatliches Kathak-Diplom mit Auszeichnung (Chandighar). Seit den 80ziger Jahren Konzerte in Europa und Asien. Neben Solokonzerten und Gruppenchoreographien in der klassischen Tradition, Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Stilrichtungen und eigene experimentelle Projekte, Radio- und Fernsehproduktionen. Leiterin der Academy of Kathak Dance in Berlin, Unterrichtstätigkeit seit 1987 (Workshops, Classes, Lecture Demonstrations). Ihre Academy of Kathak Dance bietet eine umfangreiche Ausbildung an (Kathak, Hindustani Vocal, Tabla), auch mit staatlicher Prüfung (Kathak-Diplom Chandighar). Intensive Workshops mit bekannten Tänzern werden regelmäßig angeboten (z. B. Pt. Vijai Shankar, Ioanna Srinivasan – Kathak; Ramaprasad Chattopadhyay – Bollywood-Filmtanz; Shree Ganguly – Hindustani Classical Music/Sarod).
This book is available around the world |
Check your local Amazon. More Info.![]() |
Name: Sayali Valsangikar
E-Mail: sayaligodbole@rediffmail.com
Field: Indian Classical and light music vocalist
Location: Tonstrasse, 14, Hannover, 30449, Germany
Misc. Info: I am Sangeet Visharad and have learnt music from late Dr. Shobha Abhyankar and Dr. Alka Deo Marulkar. I have performed on the various platforms including television and radio. I have participated in the workshops and competitions since an early age. Remuneration per lesson is negotiable.
Name: Matyas Wolter
E-Mail: swinging-gourd@web.de
Field: Sitar & Surbahar
Location: Berlin, Germany
Telephone: 017622912833
Misc. Info: www.matyasitar.de
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