Indian Musical Terms
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Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary.
na – Fundamental tabla bol. (more info.)
naa – A fundamental tabla bol. (more info.)
naal – See dholki.
na’at – A song in praise of Mohammad (p.b.u.h).
naad – Sound.
naad siddha – The spiritual mastery over sound to the extent that miracles may be worked.
nadaswaram – A large south Indian oboe used in temples, marriages, etc. (more info.)
nadayog – A spiritual approach to music which places the note at the centre of one’s attention.
nadayogi – A musician who practices nadayog.
nadupasana – Similar to nadayog.
nadaupasik – One who practices nadupasana.
nag swaravali – A rag.
nagada – A pair of kettle drums played with sticks. (more info.)
nagada khani rela – A rela which is structured to imitate the sound of a nagada.
nagaswaram – see “nadaswaram”.
naghma – 1) Any form of music. 2) A lahara. (more info.)
naghmat-e-asafi – A music book written by Mohammad Raza in 1813.
nakshatra tal – An obscure tal of 27 beats.
nakula vina – A simple stick zither. (more info.)
nal – See dholki.
This is the second volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Advanced Theory of Tabla![]() It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing. |
namaskar – A traditional greeting, or show of respect made by bringing the hands together.
namaskari paran – An unusual piece which incorporates a namaskar into the structure, usually into the tihai.
nand – A rare rag.
nand ke filmi git – Film songs in rag Nand (more info.)
nandi tal – An obscure tal considered by some to be 24 beats and 32 by others.
nandi bharatam – The last section of the Natya Shastra.
nandi kalyan – see “Nand”.
narayani – A rare rag.
narayani tal – An unusual tal of 9 3/4 beats.
narada – Great saint in mythology who is said to be responsible for bringing the science of music to mankind. (more info.)
nasrul geet – Songs composed by the Bengali poet, Kazi Nasrul Islam.
nat – A rare rag.
nat bhairav – A rag.
nat bihag – A rare rag.
nat bihag ke filmi git – Film songs in rag Nat Bihag. (more info.)
nat bilawal – A rare rag.
nat kuranjika – A rare rag.
nat malhar – A rare rag.
nat tal – An obscure tal of four beats.
nataraj – (lit. “King of the dance”) Shiva.
nattakarunji – A common south Indian rag which is occasionally found in the North.
nattakarunji ke filmi git – Film songs in rag Nattakarunji. (more info.)
natural – “Shuddha”. To correspond with the scale which by convention is the base state. In Hindustani sangeet, this equates to any of the notes of Bilawal that. (i.e., Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Så). (more info.)
natyashastra – An ancient text on the science of dramatics, said to be written by Bharat Muni. (more info.)
naubat – A traditional group of musicians associated with open air performances at royal courts.
nau-hakka – See “nohakka”.
nauharbani – A style of presenting Dhrupad.
nau-ki-tihai – A chakradar.
nautch – Dance.
nautchwali – A dancing girl. (more info.)
navaras – The nine primary emotions of the Indian system of aesthetics. (more info.)
navaratna – Nine jewels or nine learned men of a royal court.
nayaki kanada – A rag.
nayaki kanada ke filmi git – Film songs in rag Nayaki Kanada. (more info.)
nepal – A small sub-Himalayan country.
nepali sarangi – An instrument of the saringda class which is indigenous to Nepal. (more info.)
ni – The 7th note of the Indian scale (nishadh). (more info.)
nilakusum tal – An obscure tal of 15 beats.
nilambari – A rare rag.
nilanbuj tal – An obscure tal of 13 beats.
nimish – An archaic unit of time equal to the blink of an eye. (more info.)
nirdosh tal – An obscure tal of five beats.
nisaru tal – An obscure tal of 10 beats.
nishabd kriya – (Archaic) Timekeeping without making a sound. (more info.)
nishad – The seventh note of the scale (Ni). (more info.)
nishkram – (Archaic) A style of silent timekeeping (marg nishabd kriya). (more info.)
nishoruk tal – An obscure tal of nine beats.
nissan – A tribal drum of Central India. (more info.)
nizamuddin khan – Noted 20th century tabla player. (more info.)
nohakka – A type of tihai in which the bol “Dha” comes nine times. (more info.)
nomtom – A rhythmic style of introduction found in Dhrupad and Dhammar. (more info.)
nout – A pot used as a musical instrument in Kashmir. (more info.)
nrtya – Dance. (more info.)
numtum – See “Nomtom”.”
nusrat fateh ali khan – (1948-1997) A popular qawwali singer.
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