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Nadaswaram, Nadhaswaram, or Nagaswaram

by David Courtney working tools

Nadaswaram, large south In­dian oboe

Nadaswaram is a South In­dian version of the shehnai.  It is also called nagaswaram.   It is sub­stan­tially larger than the shehnai and has a simple double reed rather than the more comp­lex quadruple reed.  It is con­si­dered a very auspicious instrument and is found at temples and at weddings.  It is normally accompanied by a sur peti, ottu, and a tavil.  There is a smaller version of the nadaswaram which is played in folk music and is known mukhavina.

Nadaswaram Reed
Nadsawaram Reed (Photo courtesy of Joseph Lucido)
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