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Teachers & Performers of Indian Music & Dance

A superficial exposure to music is acceptable to most people; but there is an elite for whom this is not enough. If you have attained certain social and intellectual level, Elementary North Indian Vocal (Vol 1-2) may be for you.

This has compositions, theory, history, and other topics. All exercises and compositions have audio material which may be streamed over the internet for free. It is available in a variety of formats to accommodate every budget.
Are you really ready to step up to the next level? Check your local Amazon.


Name: Abhinaya Tharangini Academy – Krishnaveni Gurrapu
Field: Kuchi­pudi Dance
Location: Ashburn, VA, USA
Misc. Info: Krishna­veni is a stu­dent of Smt. Vem­pati Nage­swari and Smt. Yashoda Thakore. She has dance ex­peri­ence of 35 years and is a Master of Arts in Kuchi­pudi dance. She established Abhinaya Tharangini Academy in 2007 and since then has been providing curriculum-based instruction in Kuchipudi. Abhinaya Tharangini is also affiliated with SAMPADA – Silicon Andhra Music, Performing Arts and Dance Academy, and offers Certification in Kuchipudi Dance. For more infor­mation, please visit ..

Name: Sangeetha Agarwal
Field: Bharat­natyam (Indian clas­sical dance) and Car­natic music (Indian Clas­sical Music)
Location: Lorton, VA (Lo­ca­tion close to Wood­bridge, Spring­field, Fair­fax Sta­tion, Burke, Ale­xan­dria, Fred­ricks­burg, Staf­ford VA)
Telephone: 703-646-4436
Misc. Info: Pl. visit Classes of­fered for chil­dren and adults. San­geetha was recently re­cog­nized by the Gover­nor of the Common­wealth of Vir­ginia for her con­tri­bu­tions in en­riching the lives of Vir­gina resi­dents through Per­for­ming Arts. San­geetha star­ted learn­ing Bharatha­natyam when she was just 3 and a half years old under Kum. Prasanna­vadani, dis­ci­ple of the famous Kala­kshetra dance school in Chen­nai. San­gee­tha pur­sued rigor­ous train­ing and com­ple­ted her Aran­getram when she was only 10 years old. She has over 13 years of train­ing in Bharata­natyam and has per­formed locally in Chennai in var­ious venues before moving to the US..

Name: Nauman Ahmed
Field: Clas­sical and Semi-Clas­sical Vocals
Location: Stering, VA USA
Telephone: 571-766-6687
Misc. Info: North Indian clas­sical music les­sons for begin­ners and inter­mediate to all ages. For Group or in­di­vi­dual classes please con­tact me through e-mail or by phone..

Name: Shweta Anand
Field: Bolly­wood Dance
Location: South Riding / Chan­tilly area and Ash­burn
Telephone: 703-599-5667
Misc. Info:

Name: Pallavi Arora
Field: Kathak, semi – clas­sical, Bolly­wood & Punjabi folk dance
Location: 112 jesse street  Yorktown VA 23693
Telephone: 757-303-3429
Misc. Info: Pallavi Arora, have com­pleted her Mas­ters in Kathak. Learn­ing & per­for­ming since child­hood. Unlike like many clas­sical dancers, she is trained in Bolly­wood enabling her to switch from one style to other with ease & able to fuse both styles to create blend of clas­sical dance in a modern Bolly­wood. Being Pun­jabi, She teach Gidda & Bhangra,Do Event Choreography and Offer certified kathak training  available in-person and Virtual.Check our ShinewithGurus Facebook page!..


Name: Aswathram Balasubramanian
Field: Mridangam
Location: Alexandria, VA
Misc. Info: Blog – Per­former and tea­cher of Mri­dangam les­sons for all levels for 20 years. Given many con­certs and have won Natio­nal Award in India. Wil­ling to travel to your home for pri­vate lessons.

Name: Purvi Bhatt
Field: Kathak
Location: Fairfax, VA, USA.
Misc. Info: Purvi Bhatt is an accomplished kathak dance teacher, performer and choreographer based in Northern VA. She is a disciple of Guru smt. Maneesha Sathe and Shri Vasantrao Ghadge. She holds Masters Degree (Nritya Alankar) in Kathak Dance and has teaching experience of 30 plus years. She established Lasya Dance Academy in 2009 and since then has been providing curriculum based instruction to all her students. LDA is affiliated with Bharti Vidyapith Per­forming Arts, Pune and offers Diploma in Kathak dance. Serving dancers of all age group in Metro DC area. For more information visit: FB: – Instagram:  ..

Name: Moushmi Bhattacharya
Field: Hindu­stani clas­sical vocal / bha­jans/ songs
Location: Ashburn VA
Telephone: 571-426-3252
Misc. Info: Begin­ner Hindu­stani vocal lessons for kids ages 5 and up. Bhajans and Hindi film songs. fees very rea­son­able – $25 per month ( 1 class per week ) classes on Mondays or thursdays 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. Con­tact me at

Name: Rinku Bhattacharyya
Field: Hindu­stani clas­sical, Bhajan, Bolly­wood and Bengali songs
Location: Herndon, VA 20170
Telephone: 703-349-5514
Misc. Info: San­geet Prabha­kar and San­geet Visharad, Rinku Bhatt­acharyya has started her music career at very young age. Rinku was a A-Grade vocal artist at Kol­kata Radio before moving to USA. Rinku is run­ning a music school in NOVA area where she teaches Hindu­stani clas­sical, Bhajan, Bolly­wood and Ben­gali songs for all ages. She also tea­ches music through Skype across United States. Rinku has a well de­fined teach­ing pro­cess where stu­dents get their voice culture done to improve voice quality and prepare them to per­form on stage. As a profound singer, Rinku per­forms stage shows on Light Clas­sical and Bolly­wood music at dif­ferent part of United States..

Name: Uttara Bhave
Field: Kathak
Location: Reston, South Riding, VA, USA
Misc. Info: Uttara Bhave is a stu­dent of Guru Mrs. Manee­sha Sathe and dir­ector of Nrity­anaad acad­emy of Kathak. The academy is now af­filia­ted with Bharati Vidya­peeth School of Per­forming Arts, Pune, India and will serve as the center for con­duct­ing exami­na­tions for Di­ploma courses in Music and Dance. The exami­na­tions will be con­ducted for cours­es in Kathak, Bharata­natyam, Hindu­stani vocal and instru­men­tal music in­clud­ing tabla. Serving dancers of all age group in Res­ton, Hern­don, Ster­ling, Ash­burn, South Riding, Chan­tilly, Centre­ville, Nor­thern Vir­ginia and Mary­land. ..

This is the second volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Advanced Theory of Tabla

It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing.


Name: Soumya Chakraverty
Field: Sarod and any other north Indian clas­sical stringed instru­ment
Location: 3572 Ellery Circle, Falls Church, VA 22041, USA
Telephone: +1 (240) 460-3799
Misc. Info: An ex­po­nent of the Senia-Shah­jahan­pur Ghar­ana, one of the old­est sur­viving Sarod traditions. A dis­ciple of Pt. Samarendra Nath Sikdar, who was a se­nior dis­ci­ple of the le­gen­dary Sarod maestro, Pt. Radhika Mohan Maitra. Have per­formed re­gu­larly through­out the US, India and other countries. Also pro­vide les­sons in Sarod and Indian clas­sical instru­mental music. Contact for details..

Name: Jyothirmayi Chavali
Field: Bharatnatyam, Kuchi­pudi, Semi-Classical / Fusion
Location: Ashburn, VA, USA
Telephone: 571-243-7883
Misc. Info: I’ve learned Bharata­natyam and Kuchi­pudi for several years in India, and have given 500+ stage per­for­mances. In the US. I’m into IT by pro­fes­sion, and a free­lance choreo­grapher-dancer by passion. I’ve been an active choreo­grapher / per­former in a majority of events in VA. Please con­tact me if you need a num­ber to be choreo­graphed or for learn­ing dance in gene­ral..

Name: Surabhi Sharma Cholayil
Field:  Hindu­stani Music – Vocal
Location: Ashburn, Virginia
Telephone: 240.401.5500
Misc. Info: She holds a Master’s De­gree in Hindu­stani music from Pracheen Kalakendra, Chandigarh and continued  under the re­nowned vo­calist Prof. B.S. Bali of Jammu, who is a se­nior dis­ciple of Pandit Bhim­sen Joshi.  She had several Hindu­stani and Bha­jan con­certs in Jammu and Chandi­garh for Door­darshan and All India Radio to her credit..


Name: Nandini Dandavate
Field: Bolly­wood and Semi clas­sical dances
Location: Brambleton, VA, USA
Telephone: 571 766 8101
Misc. Info: Dance is to the body as medi­ta­tion is to the mind! More hap­piness for lower fees.. Clas­ses are for all ages.

This is the first volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Fundamentals of Tabla

It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing.




Name: Sarbari Gangopadhyay (Mukherjee)
Field: Hindu­stani Clas­sical and Light Clas­sical Music (Vocal)
Location: Aradhana School of Music, Ashburn, Northern Virginia.
Telephone: (703) 723-6794
Misc. Info: Sarbari is a student of Ustad F Wasif­uddin Dagar, Pdt Arun Bha­duri, Smt Girija Devi and regularly gives Hindu­stani clas­sical and light clas­sical per­formances across North America. She teaches Hindu­stani clas­sical and semi-clas­sical vocal music in the Northern Virginia, Wash­ing­ton DC and Mary­land area. She also pro­vides on­line vocal train­ing clas­ses for stu­dents across the country. Voice train­ing lessons are avail­able for children and adults. For further details please visit

Name: Smita Girish
Field: Bolly­wood and Semi Clas­sical
Location: Ashburn and Hern­don, VA
Telephone: 703 953 3052
Misc. Info:, Smisha’s Fusion is a young dance school with ex­peri­enced teach­ing skills, where our motto is “Live to dance, dance to live This Bolly­wood dance class is the amal­ga­mation of most dance forms of semi-clas­sical, hip-hop, con­tem­por­ary, salsa, jazz & many more forms which also includes con­cep­tual dance num­bers for all age groups.

Name: Gomathy
Field: Carnatic music, Bha­jans
Location: Hern­don, Vir­ginia, USA
Misc. Info:


Name: Vijay Hariharan
Field: Carnatic vocal
Location: Oakton, VA, USA and sur­roun­ding areas. Teaching music for the last 6 years in Maryland and Virginia.
Telephone: please email first
Misc. Info: Voice train­ing. Begin­ner, Inter­mediate, Advanced. Ages 5 and up. In person and Skype based lessons. A student of Suguna Varad­achari, Ruk­mini Ramani and Gaya­thri Hari­haran. Per­for­med exten­sively in US and India..



Name: Raja Jagadeesan
Field: Indian Film Music Band / Karaoke DJ, Guitar, and Key­board
Location: Fairfax, VA USA
Misc. Info: Our band per­forms live cine music / karaoke / D.J. for any event. Also, I teach guitar and key­board on both West­ern and Car­natic music ( )..

Name: Sarada Jammi and Ameya King (Sri Sai Dance Academy)
Field: Kuchi­pudi
Location: Richmond, Va
Telephone: 8048143612
Misc. Info: Per­sonal­ized clas­ses with small class sizes and indi­vidual at­ten­tion for chil­dren and adults of all experi­ence levels. Nattu­vangam and abhi­naya classes for advan­ced stu­dents on a one-on-one basis..

This is the third volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Manufacture and Repair of Tabla


Name: Kerry Kriger, Ph.D.
Field: Bansuri
Location: Fairfax, VA
Telephone: WhatsApp +573173141205 or Voicemail 1-800-210-6536
Misc. Info: If your goal is to learn bansuri and the classical music of northern India, I can teach you using the same structured approach I acquired from my guru (Pandit Vijay Raghav Rao) and that I have used to teach hundreds of bansuri students of all ages. Through the Bansuri Bliss platform I created, you will find thorough online courses in over 30 ragas, covering beginner through advanced levels. Web­site: ..

Name: Vijay Krishna
Field: Flute player / Com­poser / Arranger
Location: Richmond, VA, USA
Misc. Info:



Name: Manjusree
Field: Kuchi­pudi and Bharatnatyam
Location: 21398 Fultonham Cir Ashburn VA 20147 (Walkable from Lotte Ashburn)
Telephone: 719 242 7007
Misc. Info: Holding a dip­loma in Kuchi­pudi and Bharat­natyam, I have taught many stu­dents in India and re­ceived Cen­tral Scholar­ship from Indian Govt. I hold a ‘B’ grade in Door­dar­shan chan­nel and fol­low­ing awards recei­ved “Natya Mayuri”, “Nritya Chuda­mani”, “Naritya Kin­nera”. Has done shows in many pres­tigious festi­vals like Konark Fest­ival, Ananya dance festival in New Delhi. I am a stu­dent of Shri. B Sudheer Rao natively from Warangal AP but has under­gone train­ing under Kuch­pudi expo­nent Vem­pati Chinna satyam Garu in Chennai.

Name: Mudra Arts Center
Field: Carnatic vocal, Mridangam, Violin, Key­board, Flute, Hindu­stani Music, Tabla, Sitar, Bolly­wood dance, Bharata­natyam, Kuchi­pudi, Kathak, Odissi, Hindi, Gujarati, Yoga.
Location: 1323 Shepard Drive, Unit-eye, Sterling, Virginia 20164 USA
Telephone: (571) 432- 6920
Misc. Info: – Open 7 Days a week. With our small class sizes, stu­dents will receive the in­di­vi­dual­ized at­ten­tion they deserve. Highly experi­enced per­forming artists and profes­sion­als teach clas­ses through­out the year in Indian Music, Dance & Lan­guages to all ages. Close to Washing­ton DC Dulles Airport, Reston, Hern­don, Tysons Corner, Chan­tilly, Centre­ville, Manas­sas, McLean, Fairfax & Lou­doun County, Nor­thern Vir­ginia.

This is the fourth volume of the most complete series on the tabla. Focus on the Kaidas of Tabla

It is available around the world. Check your local Amazon for pricing.


Name: Mr. Debapriya “Debu” Nayak
Field: Tabla (Farukhabad Gharana)
Location: 18 Devenshire Ct., Sterling, Va 20165
Telephone: 703 795 3019 OR 703 450 0963
Misc. Info: My CDs: My CDs: Tabla Rising can be found at Also, released Probe as part of the world music col­lection, cur­rently avail­able at the Smithson­ian Insti­tution’s Sackler Gal­lery. It is also avail­able at the Probe web­site: My Tabla solo Cd (3D CD) is now avail­able under Chhn­adayan ( web­site, under Chhan­dayan Label. I have been also been taking mas­ter clas­ses at the fol­lowing insti­tutions: Baldwin Wallace College, Cleve­land Ohio, James Madison Univer­sity, Har­risonburg, Va. For con­cert infor­mation, classes and engage­ments, visit my web­site:

Name: Nritya Niketan
Field: Bharata­natyam
Location: Alexandria and Glen Allen- Vir­ginia
Telephone: 703-642-9558; 804-360-9501
Misc. Info: Guru, Dr. Janaki Ranga­rajan, Nritya­niketan was founded by Janaki Ranga­rajan in order to pro­mote the South Indian clas­sical art form of Bharata­natyam in Virginia. Classes take place in Alexan­dria / Annan­dale (Washing­ton DC area) and Glen Allen (Rich­mond area). web­site –

Name: Notes N’ Beats
Field: Indian vocals, Indian violin, Western Vocals, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Western Violin
Location: Ashburn, Sterling, Herndon, Fairfax, VA
Telephone: 855-MUSIC-20 or 855-687-4220
Misc. Info: At Notes n’ Beats, we be­lieve that music is the lan­guage of dif­ferent cul­tures coming to­gether. At this time of cul­tural diver­sity around us, we find our­selves to have the unique for­tune of bring­ing the Western and Indian worlds of music to­gether and creat­ing a power­ful and well ­roun­ded musician­ship for our youn­ger gener­ations. Join us if you share our belief! We teach clas­sical (Indian and Wes­tern). We also offer certifications and prepare students for competitions.  Read more about us at: or go to our face­book page at or listen to us on our YouTube Channel at

Name: Nupur Dance Academy – Nikita Shah
Field: Bharata­natyam Dance (semi clas­sical dance, Indian folk dances, Contem­porary dance style and Bolly­wood dance)
Location: South Riding / Chantilly, Virginia
Misc. Info: Per­former / Teacher / Choreo­grapher, Nikita Shah – She holds exten­sive edu­cation and wide experi­ence in Indian clas­sical / folk dance forms – Bharata­natyam and Folk dances. She holds Nritya Visha­rad Degree in Bharata­natyam (Gra­duate Degree) through Bruhad Gujarat San­geet Samiti -Gan­dharva Maha­vidya­laya under the guid­ance of Guru Shri Madhu Patel of Madhur Jyoti Dance Academy, Baroda, India. She has been pur­suing this dance for 26 years and per­for­med at several places in India, Canada and US has been teach­ing in the North­ern Vir­ginia area for the last 10 years. She is a ver­sa­tile and creative choreo­grapher, per­former who has directed and participated in numer­ous shows in India and US. (willing to travel for group les­sons and events).



Name: Jay (Jaydeep) Parikh
Field: Tabla / Percussion / Melodic Expressions in Tabla
Location: Chantilly, VA 20151
Telephone: 410-929-5759
Misc. Info: Jay star­ted his formal tabla train­ing in 1991 under Shree Sandeep Modi (former dis­ciple of Ali Akbar College of Music). He has de­voted himself to share his know­ledge by con­duct­ing music classes, per­for­ming, and guiding others pursue their musical journey. Jay feels fortun­ate to also have learned from Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao, Pt. Suresh Talwalkar, Pt. Anindo Chat­terjee, Shree Samir Chatterjee, and Shree Yogesh Samsi; he con­tinues to en­hance Tabla accom­pani­ment for Hindu­stani Vocal music under the guid­ance of Shree Vishwas Shirgaonkar..

Name: Vaishnavi Parthasarathy
Field: Bharathanatyam
Location: 43858 Merryoak Way, Ashburn, Virginia-20147, USA
Telephone: 571-432-6920
Misc. Info: I am dis­ciple of Kalaima­mani Urmila Sathya­narayanan and Sri. S. Siva­kumar. Dip­loma holder in Bharata­natam from IGNOU uni­ver­sity. Per­formed in many perstigious programs in India. I have selected as an Indian deleg­ate form cul­tural event to China. Some of awards Sathyabama Award, Natya Kala Puras­kar, Young Acheive­ment Award. Cur­rently I am a teacher in Mudra Arts Center, USA.



Name: Sheela Ramanath
Field: Bharata­natyam
Location: 3120 Harrison Hollow Lane, Herndon, VA 20171
Telephone: 571-434-0970
Misc. Info: Sheela has trained under Guru. B. Bhanumati in Vazhavoor style for more than 25 years and she has travelled exten­sively both in India as well as abroad. Some of the pres­tigious per­for­mances include Hampi Utsav, Inter­natio­nal Dance Al­liance, Kinkini Festival, DC Dance Fes­tival etc. Sheela is the artis­tic dir­ector of Kalavaridhi, a dance in­sti­tution where she pro­motes this wonderful art. ..

Name: Krishna Ramdas
Field: Tabla
Location: Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Telephone: 703 307 8272
Misc. Info: Krishna Ramdas is a per­forming tabla artist who has accom­panied a number of eminent artists in both the Hindu­stani and Carnatic styles of music. He learnt tabla in Baroda, India under Guru Shri Ravindra Nikte who is a leading dis­ciple of Shri Sudhirkumar Saxena. Please con­tact Krishna for details about con­certs / classes.

Name: Sunaina Rathore
Field: Bolly­wood and Kathak
Location: Ashburn, VA
Telephone: 571-252-7871
Misc. Info: Sunaina Dance Unlimited offers clas­ses for Bolly­wood dance , kathak , fusion of Bolly­wood /classical dances and Indian folk dances as well. The dance choreo­grapher Sunaina, have Senior dip­loma courses in Indian clas­sical dance (kathak) and tabla . One-on-one focus on each student is the key to suc­cess of each learner. Our motive is to make sure kids per­form individ­ually even while learn­ing in a group. Kids from classes will par­ti­ci­pate at var­ious per­formances. For new stu­dents first class will be free trial class. Definitely kids will love these classes.

Name: Ranjani Ravi
Field: Yogasanas, Surya nama­skaram and Prana­yama classes San­skrit sloka clas­ses for kids
Location: Herndon, VA
Misc. Info: I am taking Yoga clas­ses for all ages. This is a train­ing ses­sion that would comprise a exten­sive train­ing on 25 yog­asana pose which will rejuve­nate your body, Surya Namas­karam and Prana­yamam tech­niques. People those who are inter­ested in learn­ing. can e-mail me to schedule classes. I also offer sloka clas­ses for kids in San­skrit and Tamil. Kids from age 4 to 15 can attend these classes. For more details on the list of slokas taught you can e-mail me.

Name: Srabanti Roy – Roomjhoom Nrityalaya
Field: Kathak and Bharat­natyam
Location: Fairfax, VA, USA/Washington DC Metro Area
Telephone: 202-670-1031
Misc. Info: Srabanti holds exten­sive edu­cation and wide experi­ence in Indian Clas­sical Dance forms – Kathak and Bharata­natyam. She is a Nritya Pra­bha­kar Degree holder in Kathak (Gra­duate Degree) from Prayag San­geet Samiti in Allaha­bad, India. She has been teach­ing in the Washing­ton DC area since 1996. She is a versa­tile and crea­tive teacher, choreo­grapher, per­former who has directed and partici­pated in numer­ous shows in India and US at prestigious venues. For more details email, visit on Facebook page @roomjhoomnrityalaya, on website


Name: Veena S.
Field: Carnatic music and bhajans – voice les­sons
Location: Ashburn, Virginia
Misc. Info: I recei­ved train­ing in Car­natic music from Smt. Meera Nathan (Mumbai and Chennai) and have lear­ned for more than eight years. I have been teach­ing for the past four years and can teach chil­dren as young as 4.5 years old. I teach begin­ners to inter­mediate level for all ages. Bha­jans are taught at every class along with the Car­natic music lessons and I teach indi­vidual as well as group clas­ses. Please con­tact via email..

Name: Saanwee Per­forming Arts by Priti Gupta-Udeshi
Field: Bharata­natyam, Carnatic Vocals, Indian Folk Dances, Bolly­wood, Latin & Ball­room, Wedding Dances
Location: Chantilly, Virginia 20152
Telephone: 617-245-2195
Misc. Info: Priti Gupta-Udeshi has been a pro on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ in India and has been an award winning tea­cher and per­former with over 18 years of experi­ence in the field. To register for classes, please visit: www.saanwee­.com ..

Name: Mrinalini Sadananda
Field: Kuchi­pudi
Location: 8442 Lee High Way, Fair­fax, Vir­ginia 22031
Telephone: (703) 361-4172
Misc. Info: Kala­manda­pam is the insti­tute dedi­cated to Kuchi­pudi dance and music. Mrinal­ini Sad­ananda foun­der dir­ector and Kavitha Chee­dalla and Keer­thana Sidhaye are the main tea­chers in the in­sti­tu­tion. Their recent per­for­mances include Buddham Shara­nam Gacchami and Bharatha Sambha­vam, per­fomed at the Ken­nedy center. These bal­lets are chorea­graphed by Mri­nalini. New stu­dents are enrolled in Sept or Jan typi­cally unless they have signi­ficant dance experi­ence. Dances clas­ses are held From 9A.M – 1P.M every Sunday. (Director: Mrinal­ini Sad­ananda, Contact: Kavitha Chee­dalla) Please con­tact us for fur­ther infor­mation.

Name: Sandhya
Field: Sloka & Bhajan & Hindi language
Location: 7290 olde lantern way Springfield va 22152
Telephone: 4436923628
Misc. Info: I teach slogams and bhajans to kids age 4 to 15. I take these clas­ses toge­ther & sep­erate. For adults I take bhajan class alone. I teach Hindi for begin­ners kids & Adults where they will learn to read & write the vowels, con­so­nants, numbers & finally stories, phrases, com­pre­hension etc. I will give them weekly tests to asses their pro­gress. Will intro­duce speaking Hindi at a later stage when they are well versed with the letters & reading.

Name: Meenakshi Sankaran
Field: Carnatic Vocal
Location: Glen Allen, VA
Telephone: 804-364-2007
Misc. Info: Vocalist Meen­akshi Sankaran hails from the family of San­geetha Kala­nidhi Sri. T. L. Venkata­rama Iyer, a veteran Car­natic music ex­po­nent. She at­tri­butes her foun­da­tion in Car­natic music to her Veena guru Smt. Gowri Bala­krishnan under whom she spent many years learn­ing to play the Veena. Later she tran­si­tioned into vocal music under the tute­lage of eminent tea­chers like Smt. Shanthi Sriram and Smt.Raji Gopala­krishnan. Meenakshi Sankaran is the director of Vijayasaraswathi School of Music and teaches Car­natic music to many in the Rich­mond com­munity. She has also per­formed as a vocal­ist in the orch­estra of many Kuch­pudi and Bharata­natyam dance arangetrams in the Richmond area..

Name: Lisa Santhanam
Field: Odissi-Srjan style
Location: Fairfax Va
Telephone: 571-342-1868
Misc. Info: Lisa Santhanam is an odissi teacher and per­former in the Washington DC metro area.  She is a stu­dent of Guru Sujata Mohapatra and Ratikant Mohapatra of the famous svhool Srjan in India Lisa is the owner of the Odissi Lasya Dance School where she continues to teach this art form.  Because she is in touch weekly with her gurus her students benefit from learning as is taught in India.   Promoting a strong standard of quality and correct learning. Contact for information on class lo­cations in Nor­thern Va, Washington DC or online. Website –

Name: Praful Shah
Field: Musical Key­board, Elec­tric Guitar, Piano and Harmon­ium tuit­ions and live perfomer
Location: Roanoke
Telephone: 410-926-9426
Misc. Info: 1) Roenoke (Vir­ginia), previously in Balti­more as a pro­fes­sional musician and teacher for musical key­board, elec­tric guitar, harmon­ium and piano to all ages people with Indian nota­tions and Western grand staff notes. i.e. Bolly­wood songs, Western songs, chil­dren nursery rhymes, raas / garba, bhajan /, Indian music basics in­cludes some fun­da­mental raags also etc. Lead musi­cal key­board per­former in live orches­tra for Bolly­wood music pro­gramme, live dandia raas / garba, and any kind of enter­tain­ing mus­ical events, also per­foming as lead guitarist also. Male / female singers can con­tact me for live accom­pani­ment musician and per­fomer. Also inter­ested to have per­fomance oppor­tunity For Atlanta and Baltimore also.

Name: Swati Sharma
Field: Hindu­stani Clas­sical / Semi clas­sical (Thumri, Tappa, Ghazals, Bhajans, bolly­wood)
Location: Wood­bridge, VA
Telephone: inquire through email first please!
Misc. Info: Swati is a North Indian clas­sical singer / per­former and a tea­cher based in Wood­bridge, VA. She is San­geet Vi­sha­rad from India. Ap­proved voice of Radio and Door­dharshan India, she has per­for­med at many places in India as well as United States. She offers music lessons to any­one age 5 and up. She is the foun­der of Swar­anjali School of Music. She has many honors to her name includ­ing the very pres­ti­gious Shri Vishnu Digambar Palus­kar award. For more infor­mation regar­ding Swati or Swar­anjali school of Music, visit

Name: Gopika Charan Sinha
E mail:
Field: Vocal, singing
Location: Ashburn,  VA, 20147
Telephone: 703-994-3541
Misc. Info: Disciple of Pt. Jagdish Prasad (Patiala gharana) and Ghulam Akbar Khan (Rampur gharana). Obtained Sangeet Prabhakar (Bachelor degree) from India. Stage performer. Long experience in voice training & ragas. Will teach Kheyal, Thumri, Bhajans & Nazrul­geeti (Bengali) at my place all days of week. Affordable fees, any age..

Name: Supraja Sri­kanth
Field: Carnatic Vocal
Location: Virginia
Telephone: 571-210-8178
Misc. Info: Dr. Supraja Srikanth has been teaching Car­natic music in the DC metro area for more than 14 years and has trained many students. She has learnt from several gurus including Sri. Sri­rangam Prasanna Venkatesh, disciple of Sri. T.N. Seshagopalan and Smt. Janaki Venu­gopalan, from Chennai. Dr. Supraja has given concerts in the USA (MD, VA, NJ, NY) and in India. If inter­ested, please contact for music lessons.

Name: Meenakshi Srivastava
Field: Vocal( Sufi and semi clas­sical)
Location: 2562 Chain Bridge Road, Apt 104, Vienna VA 22181
Telephone: 703-795-4206
Misc. Info: Pra­bhakar in vocal in the year 1991. Dis­ciple of Bachhan Ji Maharaj of Allaha­bad Gharana. North Zone Final­ist for Indian Idol 2004. All over the life I have been rewar­ded for Semi-clas­sical as well as Bolly­wood sing­ing. I star­ted learn­ing music at the age of seven. I am al­ways inter­es­ted to take for­ward our folk music and love to sing ‘Geet’ which are heart throb of mar­riages in North India. I love Sufi music as it has many vari­at­ions and I feel con­nec­ted to God directly when­ever I am sing­ing a sufi song. As sing­ing is my pas­sion, So ful­fill that, I just not teach but also do Gazals and Geet even­ings for Two to Three hours continuously.

Name: Studio Dhoom
Field: Indian Folk Dances, ,Bollywood Dances, Bolly­wood Fitness class
Location: Ashburn, Lansdowne, Leesburg, Herndon areas in VA
Telephone: 571-293-0260
Misc. Info: Studio Dhoom pro­vides pro­fes­sional dance instruc­tion in a variety of trad­itional (Garba / Daandiya, Raja­shthani, Bhangra / Giddha, etc.) and modern Indian dance styles in the Nor­thern VA area. The dance choreo­grapher and Instructor, Aanal has more than 10 yrs of exten­sive experi­ence in teach­ing dance to all age groups. She is a Kuchi­pudi dancer, has lear­ned various Indian folk dances from Mal­lika Sarabhai’s Darpana Academy of Dance and also Jazz, Hip Hop and contem­porary dan­cing from Shiamak Davar Insti­tute of Per­for­ming Arts. Please visit for more infor­mation about clas­ses or please feel free to call for more infor­mation.

Name: Sujatha
Field: Hindu­stani Vocal and also Light Music, Bhajans in Kannada, Marathi, Hindi
Location: Legacy Circle, Herndon, Virginia, VA 20171
Telephone: 267-575-5632
Misc. Info: I am Senior Level Certified from Gandharva Maha­vidyalya Mumbai. Do training the students to exams based on the syllabus created by Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya. A non-exam option is also available for those who wish to focus more on their vocal skills. Hindu­stani for Beginners & Intermediate: Looking to take their first steps into the world of Hindu­stani Vocal Music. Pro­viding a strong foun­dation and acquires the ability to use basic elements of ragas and improvise musical phrases. Inter­mediate Students start with learning new and more complex ragas. Light classical music : Teaching for the light music (Bhava­geethe / Devotional) songs and Bhajans in Kannada / Marathi / Hindi.

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Name: Taalim School of Indian Music – Virginia
Field: Tabla
Location: Main Branch – Charlottes­ville. Other locat­ions in Rich­mond and Stauton. Classes are avail­able in New Jersey, New York, and Penn­sylva­nia.
Telephone: (732) 89-TABLA (82252)
Misc. Info: With the bles­sings and guid­ance of tabla guru Pandit Divyang Vakil, the Taalim School pro­vides high quality tabla les­sons in a pri­vate and / or group set­ting. Clas­ses are also avail­able all over the Tri-State. For full class sche­dule and further details, visit ..

Name: Rajeswari Tress
Field: Bharata­natyam
Location: Fairfax, VA , USA
Misc. Info: Rajeswari Paled Tress is a Bharata­natyam dancer / teacher and yoga tea­cher has come with a new fusion dance (Bharata Yoga Natyam). She has con­duc­ted more than 550 yoga work­shops for all ages in var­ious states in US and India. She pro­motes and moti­vates people to be healthy and lead a heal­thy life style. She teaches a blend of yoga and her own inven­ted style a fusion of yoga and Bharat­natyam. She began her yoga teach­ing career 25 years ago and has her own Yoga studio (MRT Yoga). She teaches Bharata­natyam.

Name: Heta Trivedi
Field: Bharatha­natyam
Location: 1233 Richmond Road, Williams­burg, VA 23185
Telephone: 757 768 7201
Misc. Info: A pas­sion­ate dancer and a dedi­cated tutor wil­ling to teach Bharat­natyam in and around Virginia.


Name: Udaya
Field: South Indian Clas­sical Music
Location: Richmond, Va, 23233
Misc. Info: Udaya com­pleted cer­ti­fi­cate course in South Indian clas­sical music for Bhakta Rama­dasa music College, West Marred­pally, Hyderbad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Can teach for begin­ers and inter­mediates for all ages.

Name: Utpalasia
Field: Choreo­graphy, Classic Bolly­wood and Bollywood Fusion, Hip Hop, Classical Indian Kathak, Buddhist, Himalayan & Nepali Folk dance; Tabla, Harmonium, Madal, Sarangi; Museum Cultural Programs
Location: 17953 Swans Creek Lane, Dumfries, Virginia 22026, USA
Telephone: 703-346-5877
Misc. Info: Member, International Dance Council – CID UNESCO, Paris; International Certification in Dance Studies. Utpalasia is an organization specializing in the traditional dances and music of Nepal, India, and Tibet. We foster and preserve Himalayan and South Asian cultural diversity through the arts. Visit us at: ..






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If you are a sitar tea­cher, a tabla tea­cher, or an in­structor in any form of Indian dance or music, you can add your name to database.  You can make modifications to existing listings by contacting the administrator.

If you encounter a teacher who has died, is unreachable, or is no longer teaching, please contact the administrator.