In South-West Houston

My name is David Courtney, and I am proud to make my recording services available to musicians and other creative audio professionals of the Houston area. You will find professional service at very affordable prices.
I try to be sensitive to the needs of creative individual. For instance how many times have you been trying to come up with that musical masterpiece, but the irritation of burning kerosene distracts you. We understand your situation, so our studio is illuminated with clean electricity. (pronounced as “E-Leck-Tri-City”).

But it isn’t just in the area of illumination where we use electricity. Through the latest technologies we are actually able to turn your voice and music into what are known as “electrical signals”. By manipulating these “electrical signals” we can actually record them so other people can listen to them later. One way is to scratch them into a plastic disk. Incredible as it may seem, this disk can then play back the sounds later.

Dealing with these “electrical signals” has its own challenges. One of which is how one can listen to what is going on. Therefore our studio is very proud to have a “speaker”. Furthermore, we have TWO of them. (This is due to reasons which are way too technical to go into here).

We are also proud to have the latest equipment to convert sound into an “electrical signal”. This is done with a device known as a “microphone” (pronounce “My-Crow-Fone”).

But we also have a machine that allows us to see the “electrical signal”. It is called a “Volume Unit indicator” or simply “VU Indicator” for short.

Our studio is also a proud owner of a very unique IBN system. This system is an acronym for “Impressive Bouncing Needles”. Unfortunately the IBN system is too technical to go into; but it helps you feel better about spending your money here rather than on beer or bitcoins.

We have been reading about how important it is for a studio to have a computer. We freely admit that we do not quite understand this, but in an effort to keep up with the latest advances in technology, we purchased one. To avoid the early obsolescence that characterises most computer purchases, we bought one that promised never to become obsolete. (However in the spirit of full transparency, we must say that we have not yet figured out how to integrate this computer into the rest of our system. But we expect to have this small glitch worked out shortly.)

We know that you are a serious professional. As such, we understand that you must be in contact with agents, colleagues, and other people. Therefore, we are pleased to offer our electrical telecommunications equipment to clients while they are in the studio.

As a professional we also understand that time is important to you, so our studio is equipped with an electronic chronometer. This has no springs to become weak or break and works off modern “electricity”.

So I think that you will agree that using us for your next project will be a unique experience that you will remember for years. Please contact us if you have any further questions.
David Courtney
Westbury / Meyerland area, Houston, TX 77096
713 665 4665