Being a Study of the Rice Graduate Student Lounge From its Humblest Beginnings in the Year of our Lord One-Thousand-Nine-Hundred-and Seventy to the Present and all the Other Wah-Dah-Doo-Dah

The Rice Graduate student lounge known as Valhalla, has been in existence for more than half a century. Through its doors have passed individuals who have risen to great heights in industry, politics, academia, aerospace and number of fields. The clientele is known, not just for intellectual or academic abilities, but also for being extremely quirky and colourful. This book goes into great detail concerning Valalla’s history in a humorous, yet fact-filled fashion.
Preface ———————- i
1. The Men in a Field —— 1
2. Kay’s Lounge —————— 7
3. Student Activism & the GSA — 11
4. The Birth of Valhalla — 21
5. A Start ———————————— 29
6. The Early Years ————————- 35
7. The Morning Newspaper ————- 51
8. Uncertainty —————————– 55
9. Rising Tension ————————– 59
10. The Grackles ————————- 65
11. Machiavellian Machinationss —— 69
12. Litagaphobia ——————- 73
13. Twenty-One ——————- 77
14. John Schroeter —— 81
15. Settling In —— 93
16. Moving Onwards —— 101
17. One September Evening —— 115
18. Entropy —— 119
19. Reliqua —— 127
20. A New Vibe —— 137
21. The Years of Transition —— 141
22. Wedding Day —— 147
23. Carry On —— 153
24. F&E —— 157
25. Araceli —— 167
26. Into the Future —— 171
App. 1. The North Wall —— 173
App. 2. Valhalla Managers —— 189
Works Cited – But Seriously Now… —— 207
Index —- 213
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