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Privacy Policy

OK, here is the privacy policy for

Let us start with the overall structure. There is our site, there are the forums, and then there is Google

OUR SITE – We do not push any cookies nor do we directly get any information from our users. We do accept information from teachers and performers who wish their services to be listed in the “Teachers Performers Database”. All of this information is placed at the request of the artists and is removed promptly upon requests to do so. We do not ask nor sell your personal information.

GOOGLE – Google provides ads and analytical information to us. We use this information to help decide what pages are important to you and what pages are not. Furthermore, revenue from ads helps to defray the cost of operating this site. What sort of information are they getting from you beyond this? What are they doing with this information? Who the f**k knows? They’re Google. If you wish more information, you had better contact them. The only other alternative is to get out the torches and pitchforks and storm the castle.

WEBSITETOOLBOX.COM – These are the people who provide the forums for us. Obviously running forums implies getting basic user information to handle automatic logins and things like that. This is handled by cookies provide by them.

I am not aware of them doing anything nefarious. However any queries should probably be directed toward them.

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at