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Rudra Vina

by David Courtney working tools

Rudra Vina, rudra veena, Been, Bin
Pt Hindraj Divekar with Rudra Vina (Rudra Veena)

Rudra vina also known as the bin (been), ap­pears to be one of the oldest styles of vina.  Such evidence is readily seen in elements of its construction, and from its depiction on the walls of ancient temples.  This instrument is ba­si­cally a bamboo stick with two gourds at­ta­ched.  It has frets which are set into wax.

This instrument was very rare, but today there is a re­newed interest.  This is part of a larger renaissance in trad­itional classical In­dian in­stru­ments.

A superficial exposure to music is acceptable to most people; but there is an elite for whom this is not enough. If you have attained certain social and intellectual level, Elementary North Indian Vocal (Vol 1-2) may be for you.

This has compositions, theory, history, and other topics. All exercises and compositions have audio material which may be streamed over the internet for free.
Are you really ready to step up to the next level? Check your local Amazon.

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