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by David Courtney working tools

ravanhasta, a folk fiddle of India
Ravanhasta (Bor 1987)

The ravanhasta is a folk fiddle found in var­ious parts of India.  How­ever it is es­pec­ially pop­ular in Rajasthan.  There are a num­ber of variations upon the name.  The ravanhasta is var­iously re­fer­red to as ravanahastra, rawanastum, Ravanhattaor ravanastron, it is also called (incorrectly) sarangi or saringda.

Although the basic form of the spiked fiddle is found in many parts of South Asia, this par­ti­cu­lar from is most associated with the cul­ture of Rajasthan.  In par­ti­cu­lar it is the Nayak tribe which is most known for their use and mas­tery of this instrument.  This instrument is used as the folk music­ians sing songs about Pabuji, Bhartari, Jawarji, and Doongji.

It is of a very simple construction.  One starts by taking a half coconut shell and covering it with a membrane; this forms the resonator.  This resonator is penetrated by a length of bamboo; this forms the neck of the instrument.  This length of bamboo has a num­ber of tuning pegs at­ta­ched to it.  The strings attach di­rec­tly to these tuning pegs and then pass over a bridge which rests on the taught membrane of the resonator.  Finally these strings terminate at the other end.  The ravanhasta is then played with a bow of horsehair.

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