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Stringing and Tuning the Dilruba and Esraj

by David Courtney working tools

Tuning the esraj

This is a quick guide to tuning the dilruba and esraj.  There are just two things to keep in mind here.  The first is that dilruba and the esraj are ba­si­cally the same.  There are but very slight differences in construction, and really no differences in tuning, stringing, or play­ing.  Although the pic­tures shown here are for the dilruba, it should be very clear to the esraj player what is supposed to be done.  The se­cond point con­cerns the use of strings.  This guide will be oriented to­wards the use of guitar strings rather than the trad­itional solid wire (steel/ brass/ bronze) ap­proach.  There are two overwhelming rea­sons to use guitar strings rather than trad­itional ones.  The first is the wides­pread avai­la­bi­lity of these strings.  The se­cond rea­son is that modern of tech­no­lo­gies (i.e. wound strings, modern tempering, polishing, etc.) are far su­per­ior to the older tech­no­lo­gies which are still employed in India.

Measure the length of the string

Before we go any fur­ther, you need to know what size your instrument is.  Measure the distance from bridge to bridge and click on the appropriate link.