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by David Courtney working tools


Algoza (alghoza) is a pair of fipple flutes.  It is found through­out northwest India and Pakistan.

There are var­ious ap­proaches to the con­struction.  Occasionally the two flutes are physi­cally joined together, some­times they are merely tied with a length of string, while some­times they are comp­letely separate.

The num­ber of holes varies as well. Occasionally one flute has 6-7 holes and plays all of the melody while the other flute is drilled in such a way that it can only play a drone.  How­ever an­other com­mon ap­proach has each flute with an identical arrange­ment of holes, such that both flutes have the ca­pa­city to play a melody.  In this lat­ter case, one gen­erally is limi­ted to play­ing only a por­tion of the octave.

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