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Websites and Internet Resources

Goodway, Samuel Thomas
2020 The Art of Tabla Accompaniment in Vilambit Ektal, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online:

Joshi, Priya
2015 Bollywood’s India: A Public Fantasy. Published to Columbia Scholarship Online: November 2015, DOI: 10.7312/columbia/9780231169615.001.0001 (retrieved June3, 2021)

Mittal, Deepak Kumar
2017 (Sept 5) “Nowadays: The Role of Internet for Propagation and Proliferation of Music”, International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah. (retrieved May 15, 2021)

Rahn, Jay
2004 Implicit Learning of Indian Music by Westerners. (retrieved May 15, 2021) York Space Institutional Repository,

Roda, Allen
March 2009 Musical Instruments of the Indian Subcontinent (retrieved May 13, 2021)
March 2015 “The Tabla Past and Present: Analysis of Materials in India’s Most Iconic Drums.” The Galpin Society Journal, vol. 68, 2015, pp. 193–186. JSTOR, Accessed 27 Mar. 2025.

Schippers, Huib
2007 “The guru recontextualised? Perspectives on learning North Indian classical music in shifting environments for professional training”, Asian Music. University of Texas Press: Austin, TX (retrieved May 15, 2021);jsessionid=51903BFFAA2155BB3FE9657FFC72AFBE?sequence=1

Shekar, Anjana
2018 “Yazh to Panchangi Veenai: Forgotten Musical Instruments Now on Display at Egmore Museum.” The News Minute. Accessed Feb 8, 2022.

Victoria and Albert Museum
no date -Display: Musical Wonders of India (retrieved May13, 2021)

Welch, Sarah
2018 File:1500-1200 BCE, Vivaha sukta, Rigveda 10.85.1-8, Sanskrit, Devanagari, manuscript page.jpg. Uploaded by Sarah Welch.,_Vivaha_sukta,_Rigveda_10.85.1-8,_Sanskrit,_Devanagari,_manuscript_page.jpg Downloaded Sept 3, 2021.

Weismiller, Peter
no date The Been and Beenkars: An Historical Perspective. Accessed January 30, 2022.