Welcome to chandrakantha.com. This is THE place to come for those who enjoy Indian music. We have several thousand pages covering the subject. Relax, spend some time leisurely browsing the various topics.
Finished at Last
We have been spending the greater part of the last two years converting this site from flat HTML into WordPress. We have now finished; at least we have finished converting everything that we have planned to. We have converted 918 pages!
Admittedly, this is just a fraction of 4000 pages that make up this site. But there are about a thousand pages tied up in the present forums and over 3100 pages devoted to flat HTML backups of a previous incarnation of the forums. This leaves just a hand full of pages. (hmmmm… how many webpages can you put in your hand?) These are here primarily for archival purposes. Anyway, we converted every page that we felt was appropriate.
Thank You
DAVID’S WIKIPEDIA PAGE – I have just noticed that someone has started to add an Arabic and an Egyptian Arabic version of my Wikipedia page. I have no idea who you are, but I would like to extend my thanks to you. If anyone would like to add it in other languages, this too will be appreciated.
It may be found at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_R._Courtney
This Site
Search – This is a domain wide search function.
About Us – This will let you know who we are.
Products and Services – Our books, recordings, and other services.
Glossary of Terms – There are a lot of specialised terms. This is a good place to quickly look up their meanings. You may wish to bookmark this section for future reference.
Learning – These are resources for those interested in learning Indian music and dance.
Indian Music and Dance – Everything that you ever wanted to know about Indian music and dance.
Misc. Topics – A few pages that are interesting, but a bit off topic.
Videos – Hundreds of videos that are either by us or about us.
Forums – Here you can participate in discussions about various aspects of Indian music. (There is also an archived forum that is no longer active, but still has a few gems buried there.)
Bios – Biographies of a number of people who are significant to Indian music.
Works Cited, Biblio., & Disc – Bibliography, Discography, and Works Cited. These are sources to double-check the information provided here.
Privacy Policy – Here is our Privacy Policy.
Contact Us – Here is how you can connect with us if you have any further questions.