I am new to the sitar. Completely new. I have just order the "Super Bombay" from buckinghammusic.com and expect it to arrive this week. Does anyone from this group own this sitar? I would love to hear some feedback.
I am also wondering if anyone could direct me towards a book which approaches the sitar as a form of spiritual practice. I would like something in the nature of Anthony DeMello's "Sadhana" and not in the style of Hazrat Inayat Kahn's "The Mysticism of Sound and Music." In other words something very applicable and practicable(a DIY manual) rather philosophical and speculative. Any input will be much appreciated.
Welcome aboard. Once you start playing your sitar on a regular basis, you may find that the simple act of practicing and concentrating on what you are practicing is very close to meditation.
Well a good starter is Ali Akbar Khan/George Ruckert's book The classical music of India as taught by Baba Allaudin Khan, do a search in this forum on books as there is plenty of info already here.
I personally think it is almost impossible to learn DIY, so many little details in hand position and tone are incommunicable through text or recording, even video. if at all possible find a teacher within several hours drive to at least start off correctly for a month or two, otherwise you will be VERY sorry for developing bad habits. There is a teacher listing on this site as well as on Keshav Das' music site. Good luck and practice well!