It seems to be very good annadha , but I dont know
how to download from japan yahoo's pages .
And nobody hates u , every body has got his each
point of view ; no truths and no lies , just opinions !
Ram (Jan 20, 2004 05:40 a.m.):
Aanadha, that excellent. But I cant seem to download the MP3 or Wav format for windows as the link is in Japanese. Any ideas where I am going wrong.
. . . .and, we don't hate you, take care
My browser displays the website in English, check your browser language settings, however -
For PC's - Right-hand click on the third/bottom light blue bar of each section (zipped .wav files) then "Save Target As" to a temporary folder such as My Documents or My Music etc.
Unzip the files using Winzip Wizard.
Or you can click on any area that displays a hand with a pointed finger or where your mouse area displays a link to preview that file.
MP3, WMA, etc.
For playing as a loop, WAV editing programs such as Soundforge and Adobe Audition (free full demo version at : < >
work excellent as you can record the file at any length and record it or burn it to another medium, and it enables you to tweak the tempo and play in another key.
Good luck,
Thx you very much aanadha for this excellent ressource!! Alone in my city playing tabla i can now learn in the good way.
Take care and go on to find us some excellent files!!