Hi everyone!
I'm a sitarplayer struggling with a new rhythm. After my first two years of study (only in teental) I was introduced to Kaherwa last week. My teacher played me the pattern on tabla as well on the tablamachine. At home I use a sampler and am struggling to program it in my sequencer. I've got all the seperate strokes but somehow it sound somewhat dinky. Is there perhaps a site that has MP3's of the patterns (not just kaherwa)
look the french site http://homepage.mac.com/patrickmoutal/macmoutal/rag.html ( waves patterns that you can loop with quick time ; vilambit teental , jhala , roopak . . )
or ( bad patterns ) http://www.looperman.com/
I can send you a file of kaherwa at any speed you want that will be exactly like the one on patrick moutal's page, can you tell me how many BPM you need it to be though??