And tell us about what it was like to be in India in the 60's and 70"s. What was it like back to be a westerner going around with Ram Das singing for the Indian people in India. He said they were very endeared to you, that they revered you with deep respect, and that in many of the different temples you visted that they respected you because you knew their ways and understood their manners, you spoke the language and knew the proper ways of worship, that every new place you went he noticed another secret symbol you were wearing.
You had the long flowing blonde hair, a guy from LagunaBeach, California. You look like an awsome surfer dude too. For a westerner to have done what you did is so outstanding and admirable. What was it like smoking hash with RamDas, and was that guy's name? Johish Hari? And taking Ram Das to Maharaji's feet. . What was it like to be there those days? These are such great stories, but there is so much more, BhagavanDas?!?!?!!! come to the Crematorium and tell us about the magic of those days and MaharaJi. . . .