INDIAN MUSIC FORUM ARCHIVES: Sitar Forum: Problem? with new sitar/ Tuning 13 tarbs


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Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Feb 27, 2004 05:23 p.m.

Hello I recieved my new sitar yesterday it is very beautiful. I am having a problem which may be the result of either ignorance or a problem with the sitar itself.

When I bend the first string to an interval of one major second or larger the string invariably goes flat. I tried applying chalk(carpenters/line chalk) but to no avail. Is it possible that the peg is not slipping and that this is caused by something else? I hope that this problem has a simple solution and that it is not a structural problem with the tuning peg or the sitar.

Could anyone give me advice on tuning a set of 13 tarbs. The information I recieved with my sitar only explains how to tune 11 tarbs. Is there a trick to plucking a single tarb when tuning? I find that it gets progressively more difficult as I move up the neck.

Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Feb 27, 2004 05:40 p.m.

Hi JH,
congratulations on you new sitar! If it is new, the string will stretch a fair bit. You will need to tune up a lot over the first few days. If the peg is not slipping, check to see if the swan is. You can put a piece of adhesive sandpaper under the swan (make sure it doesn't stick too hard to the finish), or just tucka bigger piece of regular sandpaper at the base where the strings meet (under the tarabs and it should hold).

The tarab tuning is easier if you grow your index finger nail a bit. Pluck with one hand and twist with the other until you reach the tune (make sure you are plucking the right one :-) ). The higher up you go, you can stick your finger through the other upper strings to reach the lower ones. This gets easier.

Enjoy your sitar,

JH (Feb 27, 2004 05:23 p.m.):
Hello I recieved my new sitar yesterday it is very beautiful. I am having a problem which may be the result of either ignorance or a problem with the sitar itself.

When I bend the first string to an interval of one major second or larger the string invariably goes flat. I tried applying chalk(carpenters/line chalk) but to no avail. Is it possible that the peg is not slipping and that this is caused by something else? I hope that this problem has a simple solution and that it is not a structural problem with the tuning peg or the sitar.

Could anyone give me advice on tuning a set of 13 tarbs. The information I recieved with my sitar only explains how to tune 11 tarbs. Is there a trick to plucking a single tarb when tuning? I find that it gets progressively more difficult as I move up the neck.

Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Feb 27, 2004 05:42 p.m.

When you do a meend and it slips, check to see if the swan is slipping and not the tuning peg. If that is the case, keep the swan out of the tuning and see if it helps. Also, Tune a little sharp and do a 4 note meend, if it drops out of tune, just keep doing it until it falls in tune. If it stays in tune after a four or five note meend, it should stay there.
Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Feb 29, 2004 05:40 a.m.

Pb- when you said grow out your index finger, on the left hand?? hmmm, i just use my right pinky nail to pluck the tarab and chikari.
Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Feb 29, 2004 02:56 p.m.

I mean the right hand. The way I was shown was to hold the neck, thumb on one side, fingers on the other, and then to pick the tarabs with the index finger. Then you have a good hold of it so you can push the peg a little bit as you turn if need be. I often use my pinky as I'm playing to test notes.


swansong (Feb 29, 2004 05:40 a.m.):
pb- when you said grow out your index finger, on the left hand?? hmmm, i just use my right pinky nail to pluck the tarab and chikari.
Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Mar 24, 2004 01:41 p.m.

Hi. The tuning method for taraf strings I use is (from low to high) Sa, Ni, Sa, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa, ad nausium in ascention !! There is no law here. This method puts three Sa notes where they will do the most good. By doubling up on these Sa string, the following higher notes will be at least a whole step lower than traditional tunings going straight up the order. The result is less tension on the wires and neck. = longer string life; longer neck life. Depending on the selected raga, you might want to double up on key notes or notes that get your ears to tingling. Whatever, have fun and be inspired! You might also loosen and pull out the offending slipper. Look for glaze on the peg shaft where it contacts the neck. A few hits on only the glazed areas with sandpaper followed by a hit of white ( I insist on white) carpenters chalk ( the no wax kind) and that should help you out as well. Cheers! Tony
Re:Problem? with new sitar/Tuning 13 tarbs Mar 25, 2004 10:44 p.m.

I found that somtimes that improper bending will send the string
out of pitch, but most of the time I've found that the strings do that for the first few days of being new. . . . . . . . . . .Peace P.S is that Tony from carlsbad
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