I am learning raag bhairo. As usual, I google for it, but I haven't found anything useful. Are there any artists that play this? The aroha/avroha that I am using is
S r G M P d N S' (komal are lower case)
S' N d P M G r S
Does anyone have an alternate version? I always like to check out alternate readings, almost like an app. crit in a latin text :-)
Interesting - Bhairao up & down looks like it is Bhairav - the booklet of Vilayat Khans Bhairo Bahar recording (Chandra Dhara) tells, BB is no common Raag for instrumentalists, and a common Bahiro phrase: SGMPGMrS.
Bhairav - the Raga formerly known as Bhair(a)o(n)? Some local dialect?
Bad Ustad (Jan 12, 2004 01:33 p.m.):
Bhairo(n) is just your teacher's regional pronunciation of Bhairavi.
Example: Hindi Bahut Accha / Bengali Balu Achi
Bhairo and Bhairav are the same thing, Most Bengalis say "Bhairo". Bhairavi is a completely different raga. Khansahib gives the arohi/avorohi as SrGmPdNS - SNdPmGrS. The pakar is "GmNd". Another common way is to omit the r in ascent and go SGmPdNS.
"I thought VK was from Bangladesh (so the dvd says)? Or do you mean the title sahib?"
Before the advent of "India", "Pakistan" and "East Pakistan" when India was just plain old India. That region was all "Bengal". Regardless of whether someone hails from a city like Calcutta or a city in "Bangladesh" they all speak Bangla and are Bengali.