Opinions needed on left-handed sitars.
Bina, Haribhau Vishwanath, RKS?
I wouldn't call myself a beginner, but I'm not Imrat Khan either. Bina say they make all the models lefty including the No.5 which on the site looks like a Vilayat khan style, which i like, also the Bina Artist, and surbahar.
Anybody know much about lefty sitars?
Lars and Beenkarji i'm looking in your directions.
Ya, that would be hard to play. I've never played fretless sitars :-)
tarsi (Dec 08, 2003 08:26 a.m.):
Height depends - on my Vk it is one and a half P , on the old teak one point one P
(1 P (unhammered pinky) = 1,5 standard kunti height). More P is harder to play, but gives better MC (meend control). But it depends on the DJ (djowari, measured in kuntis per minute).
OT: Sometimes P is much higher, as in this ebay thingy: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3368159762&category=21591
Imagine somebody really buying this as a sitar and trying to play it htat way:-)