I'm sure you've heard the news about the latest blaster bug. But I highly recommend that if you use a version of Windows, that you go to the MS website and and download their repair patch immediately. Virus detection software doesn't see this bug, and it will stop your system cold! Everybody I know has already been hit. As long as you are online, regardless of what you're doing, you are vulnerable.
I know I may sound a bit like a jerk for saying this, but there's a lesson to be learned here: the venerability that allows this worm was discovered and communicated about two months ago. A patch was immediately made available for download from Microsoft. If everyone had done their routine Windows Update or otherwise paid attention to the warnings, what we are seeing over the last two days with so many computers affected would never have happened.
By the way, this particular problem only affects those with these operating systems: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003
What a security bug in Windows? Not possible :-)
If you are worried, see if you have a file called msblast.exe. NB if you have a firewall you should not have this worm. It comprimises tcp port 135 to gain entry and launches a DoS attack on a particular date. If you have a port filtering firewall, you won't get hit. Download zoneAlarm, its free. Or just buy a hw router. Or better yet, upgrade to linux. .(did I say that out loud?).