What are the differenses of R and r ? (small or big letters)
To get the understanding for it the following question is:
How would this sound s R g m p D n?
Jan -- I've seen a more than one way of using the English alphabet to indicate Indian notes. In general, Uppercase = natural; lowercase = flat. In the second example the lowercase p would indicate a flat fifth which is not used in Indian music. (A sharp fourth -- sometimes indicated M' -- is used in some ragas).
A line above or below inidicates the octave. I remember seeing an article on this on either sitarsetc.com or the Buckingham Music Webstite. Maybe both places, come to think of it. There is a lot of good stuff on those sites and I think you'd enjoy taking a look!
Hi Jan,
The small letters mean the note is flat, sometimes MA(F) is noted as a small letter for the natural and a capital (MA) for the sharp/tivra Ma. No articles about that yet on the site, I prefer the line underneath (Bhatkhande system). . . . .
Great question, one I wondered about myself. The reason, in some music systems, lowercase vs uppercase denotes octives, which I was pretty sure that was not what we were seeing on the sitar. So I googled "sitar" and "lower-case" and found a lot of different articles, but I like this neat little article at:
thats it, a little something that i think i can understand : )
I have seen the site before, but didnt read it i must admit. I was doing a sitar search on google, looking for other information.
What are the differenses of R and r ? (small or big letters)
To get the understanding for it the following question is:
How would this sound s R g m p D n?