Ok Lars, I am taking your advice and changing my MA string every couple of months. Do you know where I can buy a few (e.g. six) Ma strings without having to buy six complete sets of strings? Neal
I bought a 1/4 pound coil of Ma (#3) string at the Ali Akbar College few years ago. It is sold for around $15, and you have a LOT of lenght in it (I changed it maybe 40 times and the size of the coil is almost the same. .)
PS Why is it suggested to replace the MA string every few monhts?
Does the same go for mizrabs? I notice my mizrab getting rough after a while. .may be imagining that?
PPS Tried a non plastic coated mizrab - does sound different (actually bolder) don't know if it has as much to do with the lack of plastic or more to do with the fact that the wire is alot thicker. .more surface area striking the string???
Peter was able to sell me a coil of MA string so that I could get away with changing that string more frequently without purchasing a full set.
This is the thing to do.