Dadra or variations of Dadra( like Garba) are also a normal fit for this Marathi song.
Being 6 beats( at normal speed )
Dha Dhin Naa | Dha Tin Naa
Dha Tin Tin | Tak Dhin Dhin
OR any other 6 beater
OR like a Garba
DhinTaKita | TinTaKita
are also a natural fit.
Its been a long time since I heard this song but if I recollect correctly, its a slow tempo song. Thats why Dadra would be a better choice, in my opinion. Even though Ektaal( 12 beats ) suggested by Swara would work.
Another reason being;
Dadra( at 1x speed , 6 beats) = 1/2 speed Ektaal( 12 beats / 2 )
I guess its also a matter of choice. As long it sounds "fit" to the song, its OK.
This song is based on a poem from Sainth Eknath, so it probably has many varieties. The one I know is sung by Suresh Wadkar and is a quite fast tempo, hence the drut ektaal.