Thats an interesting Webpage, I had never seen the strokes for bongos and Djembes. I was trying to make up strokes to teach a guy to play the Morrocan Double Drums, that will help alot. What does everyone here think about Drum Circles? I have never been to one before, but I may start one or start going. Anyone here go to them?
I have been to a local drum circle a few times. (I live near Washington, DC.) Once I brought my tabla set, but more recently, I have brought a small djembe. The tabla couldn't be heard very well.
It is a very enjoyable experience, although there are many variables: how many people there are, how well they play, what kind of drums they have, how good is the facilitator, and so on. The drum circle experience ranges from merely good exercise to a mystical collective rhythmic expression. You never know what's going to happen.
Last year, I tried to start a drum circle at my daughter's elementary school. Something for the parents -- in order to build the community and have fun together. After all, our children play together. . Why shouldn't we? It never really succeeded, partly because I didn't start it until winter. I plan to try again next year, starting in September when school begins.