INDIAN MUSIC FORUM ARCHIVES: Tabla Forum: LearningTabla with Alla Rakha


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LearningTabla with Alla Rakha Apr 19, 2001 12:29 p.m.

Has anyone seen this video and book? If so would you recommend it?
Re:LearningTabla with Alla Rakha Apr 19, 2001 12:41 p.m.

Nomad (Apr 19, 2001 12:29 p.m.):
Has anyone seen this video and book? If so would you recommend it?

I have a book and an Audio Casette. I do not have a Video Casette version. I found book to be very useful( assuming that you pbbly are in somewhat beginning stages, just like me ). It describes basic bols and hand positions graphically. Audio Casette version is supposedly to supplement the material in the book but the medium of Audio Casette makes it little difficult to seek to the required position of the material being followed.

Can't comment on the Video because I do not have one.

Re:LearningTabla with Alla Rakha Apr 20, 2001 01:45 p.m.

I have the video tape. . It is just. . amazing!
It shows also the bols sequences in a karaoke style.
I think it's really something more than just the book & audio cassette. .
get it!
Re:LearningTabla with Alla Rakha Apr 20, 2001 05:15 p.m.

Do you know the best place to order it from??
Re:LearningTabla with Alla Rakha Apr 22, 2001 10:24 p.m.

Order from DIGITALA, P.O.Box 4042, N. Hollywood, CA 91617, U.S.A.,
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