INDIAN MUSIC FORUM ARCHIVES: Sitar Forum: Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency


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Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 09:26 a.m.

Hiren Aid
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 09:48 a.m.

TP (Feb 03, 2004 09:26 a.m.):
Hiren Aid

An artificial "Hemen" injection may help ya!

Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 02:22 p.m.

Auditory Deficiency? I don't meend discussing it a bit. Hearing loss can make a musician mizrabal! I am very sympathetic tarb this problem. Did jawari about it much? Try not to fret.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 03:29 p.m.

Artificial Hemen? What a great idea! I broke mine at the age of 13 when I was . . uh, horseback riding.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 06:41 p.m.

A ragatomy should help.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 07:01 p.m.

Will everyone PLEASE stop being so sargamcastic!
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 10:33 p.m.

Why, whatever do you meend by that?
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 03, 2004 11:31 p.m.

He was only being sitarical.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 04, 2004 12:36 a.m.

I know a tabla player who really does have an auditory deficiency - it's called tintinitus. I don't think a hiren aid would help.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 04, 2004 01:39 a.m.

Well, hopefully he can Manoj and not Mangla his drum by playing too loud!
Keshav Das
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 04, 2004 08:56 a.m.

I hear someone wrote of book of puns like this, but the Indian critics pandit. When he tried to get it published in the west they said nothing dhun. Trying to geet folks to see the light side of music is tal order.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 04, 2004 09:40 a.m.

OK, thata shudda do it, I theka its time I gat off this subject. I'm dhun, see ya all laya.
Re:Electronic Assist for Sitarists with Auditory Deficiency Feb 04, 2004 11:01 a.m.

I'm Sa Re I ever started this.
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