INDIAN MUSIC FORUM ARCHIVES: Tabla Forum: Tabla Instruction ?


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Tabla Instruction ? Jul 04, 2003 10:15 a.m.

". . . .in a rhythmic sequence, and then individually duplicate the sounds, based upon what they heard. I also make it clear that this is not an exercise in which it's important to get it right, and should anyone not remember a part of the sequence, he/she should simply make something up - fill in the blank. I also suggest that everyone should just have fun doing the exercise, and stay with the rhythm. Once we've been through several rounds, I ask everyone to describe what they were
thinking, while doing the exercise, which was other than just simply listening and duplicating or making up sounds. Although I have done this exercise more than a hundred different times, in many different locations, I have always found the results to be practically identical. We are so completely consumed by the idea of "getting it right" . . . . . .that there is little space left to actually listen and enjoy the sounds. . . . . "

An excerpt from an article in the the American Sanskrit Institue website.

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